I love the flowers I see on my walks
I know I've been posting a lot of photographs of flowers, but in the last -- I hope -- days of winter we all enjoy seeing flowers. I don't take pictures only of flowers. I do a lot of window shopping, look out for the neighborhood dogs and try to include a sunset or two.
I'm going to use this post for an update on my Journey of 1000 Miles. We've had a mile winter and that's given me the opportunity to walk outside every day. Including my miles for March I'm over the 200 mile mark. This puts me right on track for 1000 miles by the end of the year.
I'm taking nothing for granted and the hot, hot days of the summer are the most challenging for me to get my steps in. I know everyone doesn't like daylight savings, but I especially like the longer days and taking a walk in the early evening. I made use of the longer light today and added a mile tonight.
That said, I expect to be off my mileage this week. I'm having a minor medical procedure on Wednesday. It is realistically minor, but I'm sure I'm not going to be doing miles in the immediate days following. My only restrictions are swimming and gym activity, so I'm optimistic that I'll be back to walking quickly.
Is anyone else counting steps or miles for the year? If so, how are you doing?
That's our Pink Saturday post for this week. I hope the flowers have given you a smile.
As ever, thanks for visiting and wishes for a great week.
Hi Carol! I am with you on the 1,000 mile walking journey. I keep track of my steps every day and will continue to post my monthly totals in you walk group on Facebook. My husband and I took advantage of the extended day light last night as well and had a lovely walk after dinner. I hope your medical procedure and everything else goes well this week. See you again soon!
It is always good to hear from you. So sorry about having to do a medical procedure - - no matter how minor. Our bodies do well functioning each day without adding stress to them - - but sometimes we have no option! Thanks for sharing a bouquet with us!
I love the flower pictures and can't wait until Spring comes and they start blooming here again. Winter is so dull and gray, we need some color in our life. One of my sons told me recently, he buys fresh flowers for his home every week. What a great idea ! Congrats on all the steps you are getting in, I hope to get some done myself soon!
I hope everything goes well with the surgery. It is the best time of year to walk here and we have 32 hikes so far. I need to keep a tally of my steps too. Have a good week!
Best wishes and prayers on your surgery.
A 1000 miles is so awesome Carol.
And I just LOVE those gorgeous flowers - they have brightened my day.
Oh my goodness, gorgeous flowers! I have a new phone and have walked around taking pictures of FLOWERS in my yard! Enjoy your day dear friend and I hope you procedure went well. HUGS!
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