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On the Second Day of December

Now (2022) at the NY Stock Exchange with sunlight

Then (2018) at the Stock Exchange by moonlight 


I couldn't skip visiting the New York Stock Exchange during our visit to Lower Manhattan yesterday. Somehow the tree looked different, and thanks to the marvels of saving photographs from years past I see that the placement is totally different. This year's beautiful tree is in the middle of Broad Street now -- the Stock Exchange is at the corner of Wall and Broad Streets -- and also looks larger.  

But as I wrote in 2018:

The tree at Rockefeller Center will always be "The Tree, " but this beauty at the Stock Exchange is following right behind. For a number of years I worked just a few blocks south and I passed this scene most nights walking to the subway. I may only see it once a season now, and so enjoyed seeing it again. The street was quiet and the lights were bright, and I remembered how much pleasure I had walking up Broad Street.

I'm hoping, hoping to see "The Tree" tomorrow along with thousands of my closest friends and you know there will be pictures. 

Today was a day for errands and exercise. I got to two banks, the post office and picked up a few groceries. I also walked three plus miles and spent forty-five minutes doing weights at the Y. Not everything I hoped to do -- no cards were written -- but in all a productive day and I'm blogging for a second day in a row and not at midnight. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care. 


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Carol. I love your posts showing NYC all decked out for Christmas. It was fun to see the tree on Wall Street in 2018 and 2022. Sounds like you had a very busy and productive day. Enjoy the weekend. See you again soon!

DeniseinVA said...

Loved these photos and your description. A beautiful tree in daylight and moonlight but seeing the lights it was gorgeous!

Linda said...

I love seeing your life in New York!!! You are pretty amazing and I love your life!

It's me said...

Woww beautiful tree.🎄🎄🎄
Happy weekend love from me and Leaf 🍀🐾🎄❤️🍀

NanaDiana said...

Always beautiful! There is nothing quite as lovely as 1 Rockefeller center at Christmas time. xo Diana

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That truly is a beautiful tree. I had almost thought it was the one at Rockerfeller Center.Thanks always for sharing your walks and taking pictures !

Mevely317 said...

What a beauty! I almost like it better than 'the Tree' shown on television the other night. (I'll wait to see your pictures before weighing in!)

Marcia said...

There's a childrens' picture book about the Rockefeller Christmas tree called Red and Lulu. It's about cardinals that make their home in a large evergreen tree which gets cut down to be the Christmas tree. It's a great story with wonderful illustrations.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Wow that is a big tree! I’m sure life is pretty exciting living in NYC especially at Christmas!

Sandy said...

Beautiful. That had to be nice seeing that each day as you walked to the subway. Nice way to end the day. Congrats on your walking. I'm finding it harder with the cold weather and have been trying to convince myself to go to the gym and use the treadmill. Trying, being the operative word here, lol.

NanaDiana said...

Beautiful. Nothing like NYC in December. xo Diana

Great-Granny Grandma said...

That is quite an impressive tree.