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Pink Saturday Goes to Times Square


Teddy Bear in (almost) Times Square

I've gotten into the habit of doing my Pink Saturday posts at the very last minute on Sunday nights. Several times -- like last week -- I missed the last minute and didn't post. This week I'm not taking any chances and I'm doing my post very first thing. I spent an afternoon last week as a Lone Tourist in Times Square and want share a few fun photographs I took.  

I think the bunny is pretty cute, too. 

You may be wondering what or who the Lone Tourist is. Often I'm visiting landmarks in New York City with visiting friends, but there are days, like the day last week, when I'm by myself in one of New York's iconic tourist sites and it doesn't get more iconic than Times Square. As I walked through the neighborhood I had a quick flash back to one of my favorite television shows growing up, "The Lone Ranger." I'm certainly not the Lone Ranger, but for those times when I'm touring by myself, I will be the Lone Tourist. 

For the Minions fans in Buttercupland

This is the first Lone Tourist post in Buttercupland, but it won't be the last. I've got some travels planned, including a trip to Maine next week. I won't be a Lone Tourist for this trip, but I'm sure there will be many more to come in New York City, and in places yet to be planned and visited.   

I'm not complaining (maybe a little), but it's hot, hot, hot in New York City. I was out and about a lot yesterday and today I'm staying in for the hottest part of the day and being grateful for air conditioning and iced coffee. I made my own much less expensive variation on a fancy coffee drink -- coffee, ice, almond milk and sugar-free syrup -- and it's been the perfect beverage for today. What's your favorite drink for a hot day?

As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cool, my friends!   


Terra said...

Those teddy bears are cute, I don't know their story. For me I like ice tea and drink a lot of it. Unsweetened. I brew my own plus buy ice tea in bottles by the case of 12. We all need to stay hydrated, your ice coffee sounds delicious.

Linda said...

My go to - after water of course - is ice tea! I drink at least 2 quarts every day. I make Lipton Black tea along with all kinds of herbal teas and even green tea - which I combine with the flavored ones to give it some taste.

I go places by myself sometimes. I'm glad you do, too!
Although I admit, my outings are not to the famous places YOU go!

Susie said...

Oh my goodness, I believe you could go see something new everyday in your city. I sure hope your trip to Maine will be cooler than your city has been lately. It's been hot here also. I like 65-70...that's the best. blessings, xoxo, Susie

Deb J. in Utah said...

It is hot here in the west too and we are trying to stay hydrated as well. I am not usually a soda drinker, but icey "big gulps" where I do my own personal soda mix, have become something I have enjoyed this past week. Thanks for sharing all the fun things as you were being a tourist in your own hometown. Have a good week and I will see you again soon!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I've come to enjoy iced coffee in the summertime too but only because of you. On your reccomendation I started to drink it and have found how refreshing it is. It's hard in the heat to enjoy walking about but I can see you are still getting out. Good for you !

Mevely317 said...

I love iced coffee but haven't had it in a couple years now. Why, I've no idea. Already, I put almond milk on my shopping list! Have a great weekend!

Marcia said...

Iced tea with lime or water with lime. I'm not a coffee drinker.
Hot here too in NH and we have no AC. We close up the windows and shades and the hottest part though have windows open upstairs with two fans going so the heat doesn't build up there. That strategy is working and sleeping is fine. This is our first home with no AC.


sounds like fun. i'm into rooibos tea iced or hot. not a coffee gal but your concoction sounds delish. enjoy.

Theresa said...

I would enjoy being a lone tourist in your beautiful city or being a tourist with a crowd. I really want to visit again, sigh! Enjoy your trip and take lots of pictures. HUGS!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

There's absolutely nothing "wrong" with going out on a solo adventure, Carol, as I am sure you well know. I like the possible post titles featuring the "Lone Tourist." You mentioned an upcoming trip to Maine and I was wondering which places you plan to visit as we were in that neighboring state a couple of weeks ago.

We enjoy water with a no-calorie powered drink mix and recently I have been making home-made lemonade using fresh-squeezed lemons and a sugar substitute. It's quickly becoming a favorite drink, at least for these hot days.

DeniseinVA said...

I have never been to Time Square and your trip must have been a lot of fun seeing these wonderful sights. I like a glass of Pellegrino or just plain old water on a hot day, but I have just discovered sparkling limeade which was a delicious treat. Happy week to you Butter up!