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Make Hay While the Sun Shines


Stonehenge, as seen in a visit on June 22, 2014

I don't know if the builders of Stonehenge used the phrase "make hay while the sun shines," or its prehistoric equivalent. Actually we're not quite sure who were the builders of Stonehenge or its exact purpose, though the "interpretation of Stonehenge which is most generally accepted is that of a prehistoric temple aligned with the movements of the sun (from an article from the website for English Heritage)." Because of the relationship with the sun, it's a site that was visited by many today, the longest day of the year.

My cousin who on a business trip in Poland wrote that the sun was just setting at 10:30 PM and my friend Linda, who is in Iceland north of the Arctic Circle noted that sunset yesterday was at midnight and sunrise this morning was at 1:30 am. The sun set at 8:30 PM here in New York and now the days begin to get shorter. We will still have lots of sunshine in New York and I usually don't begin to notice that the days are growing shorter until some time in September, which is just about the same time it becomes necessary to put on a jacket at night. 

One of my father's favorite songs was "September Song" and its haunting lyrics begin to come to mind as the days grow shorter, just as the song says. I've been somewhat melancholic since I've been home from Hanover, with an awareness that the days grow shorter in every way. I didn't feel this way after my Mount Holyoke reunion, but in Hanover I discovered a trove of new friends fifty years out of college and realize that our days together are not infinite. 

But I'm taking to heart the injunction to make hay, or rather memories, while the sun shines and to keep in touch with my new friends and enjoy their company as often as possible. I got a letter today from my friend Charlotte and what a sweet feeling it gave me. 

Dear friends, enjoy the sunshine and enjoy the precious days we are blessed with.     

As ever, thanks for visiting! Yours, Buttercup


DeniseinVA said...

Very wise Buttercup! I really enjoyed your wisdom today. Thank you!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I fully agree with you. We need to make the most of these summer days ! Each day we will loose minutes of daylight and I hate it when the shorter days come again. I will be trying to enjoy ever moment of summer. Winter will come again and I'll need these summer memories to see me through the cold dark days !

GrammaH said...

I wasn't familiar with the song you mentioned, so I listened to it on YouTube. Hauntingly beautiful. As I am celebrating my 68th birthday, today, I understand about making hay while the sun shines. We are not promised tomorrow, so I try to make full use of my days. Today I was very blessed to be able to visit a nursing home, along with my daughter and other volunteers, to craft, play games, and just chat with residents. Not sure which of us enjoyed it more, the residents or the volunteers! 💕

Sandy said...

Bravo! Beautifully said and so very very true. I'm a wee bit older than you, 71, will be 72 yet this year. A few years back we had our 50th class reunion and as the person who keeps the class database it's astounding how many friends we've lost throughout the years. So, yes keeping in touch, making and keeping connections is important for us all.

I made a cross stitch years ago for my Grandmother that comes to mind after reading your post. God gave us our memories so that we might have roses in December. She had a beautiful rose garden and when I saw that sampler, I knew I had to make it for year. It now hangs in my hallway.

I added you to my blog list (but today am leaving you link to my travel blog, where I'll add you as well).

Sandy said...

Also meant to say, I've got Stonehenge on my list of things I want to see, as a friend and I are planning to travel to the UK next year.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I definitely want to make each day special...even if it means I'm at home doing something I enjoy. Enjoy your day and the sunshine!

Theresa said...

Beautiful picture! The sun sets here about 8:45ish and I am loving the long days. The shorter ones are ahead and that will be ok too. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!