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Pink Saturday Says Eat Sleep Party Repeat


I'm doing a lot more eating and sleeping than partying this year, 
but I loved the fun in this window at Bloomingdale's

As promised, we're returning to Bloomingdales to see some of the exterior holiday display. I'm fortunate I made my visit here last week, when it was warm and sunny. It was still sunny today, but also cold. Winter has arrived in time for Christmas. I just have to remember to get out my heavier coat, scarf and hat.   

I'm not quite sure what's going on in this window, but I loved the colors and design. 

I'm again confused by the action here, but love the silly reindeers having fun and the bright colors.   

I couldn't 't omit this bright pink window on Pink Saturday.

Buttercup starring for the first time ever in the holiday windows 

As I have probably written every year, I'm amazed that Christmas is less than a week away. I have one more quick trip to the post office, but happily got just about everything else into the mail last week. And then there's the cards. I'm planning (operative word is planning) to spend time tomorrow and Tuesday getting the rest of them into the mail. But I know I'm being optimistic and it may be the week after Christmas. But besides cards and a few packages to wrap for Christmas, I'm not feeling stressed. There is a quick bakery visit  that isn't mandatory -- but a gingerbread loaf seems like the perfect house gift for Christmas -- but if the line isn't overwhelming I'll be there. What are your plans for this week?

As ever, thanks for visiting. Every happy wish for the week ahead.


Edna B said...

I remember going downtown as a family to look at all the window displays. These store windows are beautiful. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Hopefully, I'll get my cards in the mail today and I still have 2 packages to put in the mail too. First I have to find boxes for them, so they won't make it for Christmas I fear. Time gets away from us with all these busy days, but I'm trying to enjoy each as it comes. I always love seeing the displays in the windows. Someone is a very decorative person.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We'll have a good week with a few hikes we hope! Happy holidays my friend! Let me know what you are reading soon. I'm in between books right now, looking for something good!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Those Bloomingdales windows are so fun! Thanks for sharing. I am off this week and next. I plant check some things off of the "to-do" list and hopefully finish another couple of books. Have a wonderful holiday season!