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It's (Almost) a Charlie Brown Christmas

The Christmas trees have returned to my corner of the world, 
and I couldn't be happier. 

I try to keep to the rule of no Christmas posts before Thanksgiving and this post definitely goes against that rule. But I'm only a few days early and I promise that the next few posts will focus on Thanksgiving and being thankful. In one way this is a post about being thankful, because the day the Christmas tree sellers arrive on the next block is one of the happiest days of the year for me and I am very grateful that they have taken up residence once again. 

We're going to see a lot of glamorous posts in the next month, with brighter lights and fancier decorations than the unpainted wooden Christmas tree stand. We'll be visiting Rockefeller Center, the Metropolitan Museum and seeing the store decorations on Fifth Avenue. I'm going to make every effort  to make sure Buttercupland is present at all the sights that make New York City a destination every year at this time. But that said, few sights -- if any -- give me more happiness than the strings of light and the little figure of Charlie Brown nestled in the stand of Christmas trees. In the dark hours of last December this was one thing that put a smile on my face and in the less bleak December 2021 it still does. 

This was the scene much earlier in the day

Welcome back, Charlie Brown! We've really missed you. 

There were only a few trees for sale today, but I'm expecting by tomorrow the shipment will start to arrive. It will stand until some time on Christmas Day and by the morning of December 26 only a few twigs and branches will mark the spot. I've never seen the stand dismantled, but it's always gone when I've arrived home in the evening on Christmas. 

Do you have small pleasures that you look forward to every year at this time? As soon as I typed "small pleasures" I realized that the small pleasures can be the greatest of treasures, and I hope it's the same for you.

Amazingly it's almost Thanksgiving. Tomorrow is a busy one. I've got a long-scheduled medical appointment. I generally wouldn't schedule an appointment on the afternoon before Thanksgiving, but the next choice was another month away. I've got cranberry relish to make,  dessert to pick up and a Thanksgiving post to write. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and have a wonderful Wednesday. 


bobbie said...

The ONLY christmas decoration we put up is a Charlie Brown tree ~ that says it all for us!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's amazing how fast time goes, One day Thankksgiicing and the next everyone will be getting ready for Christmas. The stores have had it in th stock for quite awhile now. I'm looking forward to seeing Santa arrive on Thursday in the Macey's Parade. Happy Thanksgiving !

Jeanie said...

You're exactly right. Small pleasures are the greatest treasures. And this is definitely one. There are certain things that seem like the entrance to the season. For me it is the greens market last weekend. I love seeing your tree stands. There is a continuity to it, isn't there? Maybe that's something I love about the season -- a continuity to the past.

I send all good wishes for a very happy Thanksgiving to you! And I'll look forward to the other "colorful" posts but I might be holding Charlie B. in my heart!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love Charlie Brown and like to get my stack of Christmas books out on the coffee table...Charlie Brown will be on top! Happy Thanksgiving!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Welcome back to Charlies Brown and the Christmas trees! I will look forward to seeing Christmas in NYC through your eyes. I hope your Thanksgiving is a good one! See you again soon. :-)