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Life Is Better With Sprinkles Pink Saturday


Life is better with sprinkles!

On some Pink Saturdays I search (and search) for a theme and pictures that incorporate the color pink. Other weeks just the right theme appears like magic. This was definitely the week of magic. 

Life is better with sprinkles and friends

Yesterday was a beautiful fall day made for walking. My college friend, Jane, and I took a long walk through Midtown Manhattan. We discovered the brand new Times Square Krispy Kreme. 

 I discovered Krispy Kreme when I lived in Nashville in the 1970's and became a fan, but I've never been in one that was both so big and had so much going on. I know I haven't been doing all that much these days, but I know I would have enjoyed it whenever I first visited here. 

     The newly glazed doughnuts on their way to the sales counter

                            Which one would you choose?

I'm pleased to report, despite the incredible aroma and look of the finished doughnuts, I didn't buy one. I was definitely tempted, but held back this time. I am thinking of returning on another sunny day and getting a doughnut and coffee and partaking out of doors. I'm not sure which one I'd choose.  I'm thinking of the Reese's Creme on the bottom left, but I also know a simple hot glazed doughnut would be be just fine. 

 I'm looking forward to the day when I can buy a doughnut and coffee and enjoy it sitting here, the indoor seating area. Krispy Kreme will definitely be on the list for out of town visitors.

I'm moving into a holiday mode. I've written my first two cards and a visit to the post office is on my agenda for tomorrow, following a dentist appointment. What's on your schedule for the week?

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care.


Vagabonde said...

You show quite a lot of willpower. There is no way I could have left without buying at least a couple of those tempting doughnuts. I do not know the Krispy Kreme in Nashville yet because when I was starting to explore the city the virus hit us and I have been indoors when I am here, but I know the Krispy Kreme in Atlanta.
You went to your dentist? My dentist is still closed and with the virus starting strong again I’m not sure when he will open up. I had planned to take my eldest daughter to New York City for her birthday (late September) this year, but we’ll have to come another time.

Theresa said...

Oh what a SWEET post:) What a beautiful store! I love the regular glazed ones and the pink with sprinkles! I might just take one of each:) Enjoy this gorgeous FALL day my friend, HUGS!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hello - I love this post. I love donuts, but don't indulge often. I have my Christmas cards but haven't started yet. Maybe I can get started this week on addressing. Hope you have a lovely day.

Martha said...

You definitely have some fantastic willpower! I remember a Krispy Kreme place like that in Miami when I was a kid, It amazed me back then. I still remember getting fresh warm doughnuts there too - heavenly! When it comes to Krispy Kreme just their plain glazed donuts are my favorite. Great Pink Saturday finds :)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You were lucky to have a lovely day to enjoy. Here it was windy and cold. I love Krispy Kreme donuts of all kinds but my favorite are probably the glazed. I spent the day staying in watching epodes of Crown on netflix. The winds kept blowing all day and it was too cold and wet to go out.

Chatty Crone said...

Life is better with sprinkles! But not too many! lol
We have a new Krispie Kreme opened about a mile from us.
Love, sandie

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

When I lived in the bay area, we had a Krispy Kreme but since living here (13 years now) I haven't had one and their simple glazed ones just melt in my mouth.

Lee said...

What a show of will power!!! It would have been had stopping myself from jumping onto the wheel! It's ages and ages since I've had a doughnut of any variety. :)

Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

Edna B said...

I love donuts. My favorites would be the lemon filled and the honey glazed. I doubt I could have walked out without buying (I really mean eating) at least one donut. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Krispy Kreme is the crème de la crème of donuts. When I worked, I used to treat my office to them monthly. This ensured that I was well loved. You certainly are a strong lady, Carol, to resist buying one.

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely to see your photographs.
I do have my Christmas cards and hope to start writing some soon :)

Stay safe and well.

All the best Jan

NanaDiana said...

Gotta love those Krispy Kremes! I haven't had one in years. We don't have them here. Maybe that is a good thing! I hope to get some Christmas going on here soon. I am more than ready this year.
I hope you have a wonderful week- xo Diana

Karen said...

I love the mugs! Sprinkle donuts are my favorite. Krispy Kreme came to our area about 10 years ago. It's not very close to our neighborhood, which is a good thing. I've been browsing through your posts, and love seeing pictures of New York. I've only visited a couple of times, but my grandmother grew up in the city, so it's always held a fascination for me, as it does so many people. Thank you for visiting my blog, and I'm so glad I got a chance to see yours. I'll be back;)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That donut shop looked amazing, Carol, and what restraint you had and great will power which sadly I would not. A cup of coffee and a glazed or jelly filled donut would have been my choice. Like you, I will soon be starting holiday cards and gathering all my supplies...cards, stamps, pens, return address labels...it’s a process I enjoy annually.