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No Day Shall Erase You from the Memory of Time


The quote from the 9/11 Memorial Museum

This year I thought I could actually write about September 11 with upbeat photographs of murals that surround the World Trade Center building sites, and I still may be able to do that tomorrow. But for today it seems too light and too frivolous. This picture is a much better fit for my thoughts today. I took it on Sunday, and though today and tomorrow still reduce me to tears, I was able to visit the 9/11 Memorial without crying. 

It is now nineteen years since that perfect September morning and this is the twelfth post I've written commemorating the day. Every year I think the day will be much less painful, but it still hasn't gotten to the much less stage, and I doubt that it ever will. Not a day, not years or decades will take away the memory of September 11, 2001. 

Long time members of the Buttercupland community have read my posts and know that I worked in in Lower Manhattan, not far from the Trade Center. Many evenings after work I'd walk up Broadway, run an errand or two in the stores in the shopping area that surrounded the entrance to the subway in the below ground level of  and sometimes have a quick dinner before heading home. The link to past recollections is in the second paragraph. 

May the memories of those killed on that beautiful September morning be forever a blessing. 



Ginny Hartzler said...

I don't think I have ever seen the memorial. But no memorial can convey the despair and suffering of that day. I'm guessing you were nearby when it happened.

Marcia said...

I didn't know anyone who died in 9/11 unlike the Oklahoma City bombing where a colleague died, but still it is a raw wound memory. For me its learning of it while in my 4th grade classroom and my students asking why all their classmates were getting signed out to go home, whispered news between teachers, wondering how my own daughters and husband were, not knowing what would happen around Washington, DC where we lived. Tears now as I write this. It impacted us all.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

We will all remember where we were, and the fear we felt on that day. However, for those who were witnesses, for those who lost loved ones,, that pain will never soften, the painful memories always be there.

Lynda said...

Thank you for commemorating this every year. I think it is something that will always be fresh to us who experienced it - - - but even more so for you and your neighbors who saw it before, during, and after. It is a part of history that should never be buried. We miss those who died that day and hurt for their final moments. We are very, very thankful for those who helped in search and rescue efforts. They came from far and wide - - - didn't they?
I pray today will again be a day of unity and peace.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I could never forget this day. It's permanently imprinted in my mind. So nice of you to share pictures for us to see.

Gloria said...

I remember, I have a post on this today with pictures.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Dear Friend, We all have our memories of that horrible day --but yours will be with you FOREVER I'm sure.... My heart is still troubled by that horrible horrible happening. 2020 may be a bad year for our country --but still, nothing like Sept. 11, 2001....

You may or may not remember that George and I were on our honeymoon on a cruise in the South Caribbean area... We came home on Sept. 16 ---and had a rough time getting a flight back home. Got to Atlanta and the airport was empty. Spooky...

But the thing I noticed the most was all of the patriotism that people showed --with lots of flags on their cars/homes/businesses.... I only wish that in 2020---we'd all show that same kind of Patriotism... sigh!!!!

Blessings to you..

Mevely317 said...

Even 19 years later, during the abbreviated-but-moving news coverage, I wept unashamedly. {{{HUGS}}}

Linda said...

I remember what, where etc...what we were doing...and how my husband came home from work to stop us (my son and I) from going to dayschool with these simple words, "Your not going anywhere, we have been attacked." To this day, it is still a sorrowful day.

Buttercup, please stay safe...I am so in prayer for you living in NYC during this time...the riots are slowly moving here to the Southern Tier...

Theresa said...

It still hurts my heart! I can't imagine seeing it all first hand! Sending BIG HUGS your way dear friend!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I too will never forget where I was or what I was doing on 9/1/2001 and after all these years, the memory is still vivid. I was living in NJ at the time and can't imagine the feelings of those who lived or worked in NYC who have even more sad memories. Thanks for sharing yours and I have read some of your earlier posts as well.