View of Oxford, England on a perfect summer's day
It's time to leave the cozy comfort of my living room and to leave New York City. Last summer I had the good fortune to have a wonderful visit with my blog buddy, Sybil, and then spend a few days exploring Oxford, England. This is our first international stop on our Blogging from A to Z tour of Coffee Around the World.
I took the picture above from the top of the Church of St. Michael at the North Gate. The Church dates from Saxon times and construction was started at approximately the year 1000. The name is derived from its location, just inside the North Gate of the medieval Oxford.

St. Clement's cake and a perfect cappuccinno
This photograph brings back a favorite memory, orange glazed pound cake and a delicious coffee at the Ashmolean Museum. The Ashmolean is Oxford University's art and archaeology museum. The holdings are fascinating and I enjoyed several hours of wandering through it. I finished my visit -- and rested my feet -- with this treat, named for a children's rhyme, "Oranges and lemons say the bells of St. Clement's," which features churches of London.
Christ Church College, Oxford University
Our visit to Oxford would be incomplete without a stop at one of the 38 colleges that comprise Oxford University. It is one of the oldest of Oxford's colleges and it also serves as the Cathedral Church for the Diocese of Oxford. If the setting looks familiar, but you've never been to Oxford you may have seen portions of it in the Harry Potter movies. I spent one of my afternoons in Oxford having a wonderful tour from a New York friend who was in a summer study program at Christ Church. Her summer resident pass gave me the ability to have an insider tour of this beautiful place.
Today was cold and rainy. It was winter coat and glove weather in New York, despite the date on the calendar. I've so enjoyed taking our coffee adventure back to the sunny warmth of Oxford in July. So glad my Buttercupland friends could hop back in time with me.
As ever, thanks for visiting and let's have a cup of coffee.
Greetings from Oxford - no kidding!!! Trust you to quickly find the most amazing places for coffee, that cake n cappuccino look amazing. I have done the same E is for England - great minds think alike Carol. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Wren x
OH MY, what a beautiful place to visit. Thank you for sharing! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
When I think about England I usually think about tea, but leave to you fo find the coffee there. It almost looks too pretty to drink. Nice to have such wonderfully warm memories. It's been chilly here too, but the sun is out and that gives me hope.
Carol, You made a lot of beautiful memories to live thru again . That cappucinno is so pretty. Blessings , xoxo, Susie
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