My view down Broadway, via Waterlogue
It's a calm Saturday night in Manhattan. I've had dinner and cleaned up the kitchen, spent some time sorting through photographs and deleted the day's collection of email. My compression machine is sitting beside me, going up and down in a steady rhythm as I happily rejoin my blog buddies at Pink Saturday. It feels great to be sitting at the computer.
But not half as great as it felt yesterday afternoon when I took my first solo expedition -- with my trusty cane -- out of my apartment building. I'd been outside three times previously with my physical therapists, but after yesterday's appointment I was cleared to go out by myself. I was cautioned about remembering not to overdo it and to look at the temperature and weather before going out. But yesterday afternoon was reasonably warm and I bundled up to pick up a few groceries to have on hand. I made my way one block to Broadway and then turned right and continued to the end of the block above.
I got really bold on the walk home and crossed Broadway, six lanes of traffic, and stopped at Dunkin Donuts for the afternoon special, an iced latte. On my walk back down the hill from Broadway to my building I was beside myself with glee. I was out and about! This was a walk I've done thousands of times, but I took such complete pleasure in navigating around my neighborhood and doing the most basic of errands.
Crossing this street was my challenge yesterday

So many times I've thought that real excitement in life comes from exotic trips, fancy restaurants and the luxuries of life. But yesterday (once again) learned that the real satisfaction in life is a joy in the very smallest details of our lives. I'm pretty sure that there's nowhere I would have wanted to be yesterday other than walking on my block and enjoying the clear, crisp winter day.
Again, thanks for all the get well good wishes. I'm again grateful to all who helped me through this surgery and recovery. I know I'm not out of the woods yet, but I can definitely see the clearing through the trees. I will do a post on my reacher and compression machine in the next few days.
As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cozy!
It was so wonderful to read this post and know you are doing so well. Take care. Love K
It's so good to hear that you are doing so well. It's nice too you had good weather to get outside. Here we are snow coffered, cold and slippery in spots too. Keep up the good work!
I'm so happy for you, Carol! So true, Real.Joy can be found in the smallest details!
Wonderful news, Carol. You are such a trooper! Proud of me!
Glad you are able to get out and about on your own!
Such awesome news.
Sounds like you are making great progress.
M : )
Delighted by your progress! You are doing so well!
Wow - I just love the fact that you have to cross Broadway...looks like fun to live in New York! Keep up the good recovery♥
Amazing that you are already out and about on your own! WOOHOO, way to go! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!
It is in the ordinary daily things that we find joy!
You are doing great!
Carol you are such an inspiration to others needing surgery . You are amazing and I am happy you are getting along so wonderfully. Take it easy and enjoy those daily walks. Stay warm when the cold weather forces you indoors.
Enjoy your week!
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