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First Monkey Monday, 2019

A prospective patient consulting with Pep Le Monkee, MMD
I'm happy to present our first Monkey Monday of 2019. Monkey Monday is a an occasional feature of Buttercupland featuring Pep Le Monkee. Today I'd like to announce that Pep is now Pep, MMD. "MMD" is not a title with which you may be familiar, but it's one we're pretty excited about. Pep is now a Monkey Medical Doctor and as you can tell by his professional attire, he is pursuing surgery as his specialty. 
Pep is a recent graduate of Monkey Online University and was first in his class. In an interview this morning he said that my recent surgery sparked his interest in medicine. An admirer of Pep's and long time friend, L., sent Pep his first set of scrubs , which he is wearing in the photograph. 
Dear Pep, the entire Buttercupland community joins me in congratulating you on this achievement. 
In other semi-medical news, I've now been out for short walks three out of the last four days. My goal is to walk outside whenever it's not snowing or slippery. It still takes a lot of effort to walk the one block from my building uphill to Broadway, but it is doable. Once I'm on Broadway there are at least five places to buy food, a small branch of Bed, Bath and Beyond and a drugstore within two blocks. 
I finish with my compression machine on Wednesday morning and then I will be able to be out of my apartment for more than an hour at a time. I want/need to get back to Weight Watchers and that will most likely be my first outing. Two weeks of sitting around and inhaling more carbs than I ate almost all of 2018 have not been pretty. I am getting back to healthier eating and will begin to get more exercise shortly. 
I got out for my walk this afternoon, but I have no pictures to share. Despite being bundled up for a night on the tundra it was still cold. I had wool gloves on, but I really needed the ski gloves I've worn when I needed to be outside for longer periods. It was single digit this morning and actually, the temperature climbing to twelve degrees isn't really much warmer. 
As ever, thanks for visiting! For everyone in equally cold, or colder, climates -- K! I'm thinking of you -- keep cozy.  ï»¿


Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Uh-oh...too many carbs and my new post is about baking bread!!! Sorry :) ♥ Keep up the walks, girl.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Carbs and winter unfortunately go together. It sounds like your healing is coming along well. The temperatures are going up so your walks will be more comfortable.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Having a doctor in the house must be fun. You are so blessed not to have snow and be able to get out even in the bitter cold. Here we have both. Lots of cold and snow and the short walk to the mailbox has gotten much longer. Every step is a new adventure. Ha ! Keep warm and keep those positive thoughts going !

Theresa said...

Congrats on getting your very own MMD in the house:) Enjoy your day dear friend, stay safe and warm. HUGS!

Edna B said...

Thank you for stopping by. I've just read a few of your blog posts and had myself a grand time. I'll be back to read more of them. I hope your walks go well. Just be careful.

Think Spring. It will be here soon, less than two months. Woo Hoo! Now I'm off to tend to my own blog. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Lonni said...

I’m glad to see Pep has put his Monkee Medical education into use. I hope he is behaving appropriately as an MMD.
Glad you are out and about - seems miraculous to me!

My Tata's Cottage said...

This was such a delightful story to read. I am happy to see you here. Keep getting better each day and enjoy your journey. HUGS