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Grab Your Coat and Get Your Hat..

It's a cold night in New York City, but we're braving the wind to visit the New York Stock Exchange.
Christmas at the New York Stock Exchange 

One of my concerns each year at this time is that I'm getting in a rut. I want to show the classic scenes of New York at Christmas -- Rockefeller Center, the windows on Fifth Avenue and Macy's -- but I feel as though I'm showing the same pictures every year. Classics are classic because they are timeless and a joy to visit and show again and again, but this year I want to bring a few new-to- Buttercupland sites in New York City. The first of these is a visit to Lower Manhattan and the New York Stock Exchange.  

The tree at Rockefeller Center will always be "The Tree, " but this beauty at the Stock Exchange is following right behind. For a number of years I worked just a few blocks south and I passed this scene most nights walking to the subway. I may only see it once a season now, and so enjoyed seeing it again. The street was quiet and the lights were bright, and I remembered how much pleasure I had walking up Broad Street.

This is the entrance to the Stock Exchange on Wall Street, and yes, there is a Wall Street. Despite the scaffolding and construction the simple lights and decorations were a lovely sight.
Amazingly, two weeks from tonight is Christmas night. Two weeks! How can I go from feeling ahead of schedule to feeling far behind? I'm in the midst of cards and packages to mail and scraps of wrapping paper all over the dining area table. I'm optimistic there will be some order out of chaos in the next few days, but right now it doesn't seem possible. Does anyone else feel that way?
As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cozy!  ï»¿


Theresa said...

My Nieces are seeing the sites in your beautiful city this week. I am SO jealous that I am not there, sigh... maybe next year. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Carol, this is a lovely sight! Thanks for sharing your city’s beauty with us!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The buildings look amazing and that beautiful tree! I hope you get out and enjoy the city while it's decorated for the holidays! Hugs!

Kerin said...

Beautiful city sidewalk, busy sidewalk, dressed in holiday style :)
Thanks for sharing; it's a treat for me as I am a country dweller.

Warm wishes

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

The stock exchange is a beautiful sight. Thanks for braving the cold to share it. Hang on to your hat! Yes I'm feeling quite behind right now, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm not there yet, but closer than I was yesterday! Ha!

Mevely317 said...

Timeless, indeed. I could look at these images a zillion times and not tire of them!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I love the colors of the tree on Wall Street. With what has been happening there lately, I am glad somebody remembered to turn them on.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I love the photos you took of the Stock Exchange and the tree. I was there shopping on Monday but I wish I had gone over to take a photo of the tree. I will make sure I visit next time! :)
Julie xo

Susie said...

Carol, I miss visiting. I hope you are enjoying the wonderful exciting days . The pretty colors and nicer people. lOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie