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Worth the Wait: My Fiftieth High School Reunion

At the end of the evening, pictures, memories and decorations
After a year and a half of planning and anticipation, my fiftieth high school reunion is now memories, and they are very sweet memories and extraordinary moments to cherish. I shared the evening with approximately 100 high school classmates. They included a friend from nursery school, another friend that was in my kindergarten class and more friends from elementary school and Brownies then I can count. This was in addition to "new" friends that I met in high school, over fifty years ago. To spend an evening with people who represent at least a zillion wonderful moments in my life is a gift few get, and I am profoundly grateful.
I was looking forward to seeing friends, but I hadn't thought about how much fun the evening would be. Besides the dancing and a delicious dinner, I enjoyed the scavenger hunt the committee had planned. I connected with many more people in the room than I would have otherwise.
This is what 68 looks like. ï»¿
There was a shadow cast on our celebration by the tragedy in Pittsburgh at Tree of Life Synagogue, but our amazing class president, Harvey Kelly, spoke movingly about the events earlier in the day. We shared a moment of silence in memory of those who were killed. The other sobering time in the evening was the reading of the Honor Roll of our classmates who have died in the last fifty years. They are remembered, loved and missed.  
After the anticipation, it's a let down to know that our celebration is over. But one thing I've learned in the last fifty years is that life take us places we never dreamed we would go. I've also learned that I am very fortunate to have shared the places in my life with this group of people. 
As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care. 


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

That was such a nice post, Carol. We could have never imagined back then that 50 years would go by so fast. It is wonderful that you got to see so many old friends and had a great time. More good memories were made that night.


wonderful memories indeed.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sound like a wonderful time for you and a time of more memories made and shared too. But what a bittersweet weekend for you. Praying for all affected with this latest tragedy. Makes us treasure the people in our lives all the more.

Pam said...

Great time, I bet and great memories! Looks and sounds like fun with the scavenger hunt. Ours were several years ago, time surely flies by... Take care

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I'm so glad you had this happy reunion! We need the celebrations to offset the heartbreak.


Unknown said...

Being one of those kindergarten friends, it was nice being there with you and the classmates who showed up. It was a really fun and amazing night. Everything went so smoothly. Can't give the committee enough credit for what they did. The only downer was when they read the names of the growing number of classmates who passed away. Put my name down as someone who will help out on the next reunion.

Lynda said...

Isn't it amazing how quickly those fifty years have flown? My 50th is next year. Hard to believe because we are not that old and don't feel our age - - - many days!

Theresa said...

What a wonderful time, all of that hard work paid off! Have a wonderful day and cherish those memories! HUGS!

Lonni said...

Such a wonderful weekend- you captured it perfectly, Carol from one of your elementary school friends!

Susie said...

Sixty-eight is looking good. Keep it up .I know you had a fun time. It is sad to see how many of our classmates have passed on. I just learned of a couple of ours. Heartbreaking . Blessings, xoxo, Susie