Mary Woolley Hall, Mount Holyoke College
Fifty years ago my world changed. In June I graduated from high school on September 15, 1968 I started college. On a bright Sunday morning I sat in our over-packed blue Chevrolet and my parents and I made the hour long trip to South Hadley, Massachusetts. I had my manual typewriter and more clothes than I would wear that year. I had sheets, brand new towels -- some of which I still have -- stationery and a bedspread. Though I was only an hour from home, I had entered a new world and found a new home.
The college I entered that day fifty years ago was very different than it is today, or most colleges are today. I had no computer or cell phone and I was about to spend time in the college bookstore buying my text books. Meals were served in each dorm and on Wednesday and Sunday, we took part in "gracious living," where dresses and heels were strongly encouraged.
With what I know now I doubt if would have gone to a women's college in a small town in Massachusetts. But that was then. I emerged four years later with friendships that have lasted through the last fifty years, a liberal arts education and a strong sense of self. I'm grateful for the education, the people I met and the opportunities I've had. Thanks, Mount Holyoke, for a second home through the last fifty years.
The second fifty in the title is my fiftieth high school reunion coming up next month. We've been planning this for over a year. I'm so looking forward to seeing the friends I spent the first part of my life with. It's a full schedule -- lunch, evening dinner on Saturday and brunch on Sunday -- but I know, too, that the weekend will fly by, with only memories and photographs to hold on to. I keep wondering how did fifty years go by so quickly?
Does anyone else have reunions coming up soon?
Last Tuesday night I didn't need a jacket and today I wore a sweater, long sleeves and socks. It's autumn not just on the calendar, but in New York City.
As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care.

Carol -- I had my fiftieth HS reunion this summer and it was great to see HS friends, some I had since grade school and was in Girl Scouts with. Our troop traveled by train from Indianapolis to Washington, D.C. when we were in 8th grade. This summer visited the Indiana State Fair for the first time in ages.
Also noticing the abrupt weather change and not looking forward to a rainy night and puddles to dodge tomorrow.
I remember our college president telling us that 50% of us would be in the lower 50% of our class, something none of us had ever experienced in HS. Back at MHC on 9/4/18 to connect with members of the class of 2022, who will graduate when we celebrate our 50th reunion.
Years do fly by, don't they?!
Happy for you to have your reunion and meeting up with old friends, and reliving warm memories :)
It's Fall here one day, and summer the next. Very typical for Utah...~LOL!
Yesterday we woke to 41 degrees, and today it is going to be in the 80's.
Go figure...
Smiles :)
It is incredible how time flies while your living it, isn't it? I graduated from high school 36 years ago! Goodness!
Enjoy your reunion!
Oh what fun memories. Yes, 50 years goes by way too fast and I am sure you will enjoy every second of the reunion. I am still 4 years away from my 50 year reunion. Enjoy your day in your beautiful city. HUGS!
Congrats on 50 happy years ! I don't know how time flies as it does, but yes, it is a different world for sure that it was 50 years ago and the next fifty will be even more so. It seems progress is being made in leaps and bounds. It's getting to be sock weather here too. Autumn has arrived in Ohio with chilly wet days.
What fun and sweet memories, sweet friend. Times have certainly changed, haven't they? I went to college 14-years ago and een then it was different from today. We had computers for writing papers, but we still did a lot of research via textbooks and yes, I spent a lot of time in the library {{smiles}}
Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog. You are such a joy! Hugs to you!
Happy reunion - gosh you have had a wonderful life.
I hope you have a magnificent time at your reunion. Fifty years of friendships that you have kept is a wonderful thing.
Lots of fun for you.
Times have changed for sure, even for me
graduating from college in 1983.
So many changes all around some good, some
not but we continue to move forward with
M : )
I enjoyed your post and I can identify with your memories of college in the late 60's....manual typewriter, no hand held calculator, or computer or cell.
So much has changed, but I still fondly remember those friends. I will be looking forward to seeing your photos of Fall in NYC. My son lives in Linden NJ and visits Brooklyn often.
Carol, I just attended my 55th on the 22nd of this month. That was long ago. I to wish I knew then what I know now. Hope you have a great reunion. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
My 50th reunion is in two weeks. Class of 1968. Fifty years. How did that happen?
I remember packing for college as if I were moving to the other side of the globe. And for small town me— the college was about an hour away— it felt like it.
We (my major) were not allowed to wear pants to class because they expected us to attend class as professionals. Practice for real jobs. Kind of miss some of that "gracious living" that was part of that life.
I attended my 50th HS reunion 10/5-7, had a great time. I wasn't very popular in HS, but I remember some of my classmates and the fun we had in different classes. I was surprised of the number of people who returned. I grew up in Saratoga Springs, NY. I've moved away but a lot of my classmates still live in the surrounding area.
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