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Monkey Monday Halloween

Pep Le Monkee and Opus in their Halloween finery 
Pep loves Halloween. He likes his bunny ears at Easter and can't wait to put on his Santa suit at Christmas, but Halloween may be his favorite celebration. This year he's wearing his Halloween sweater for a casual trick or treating look. Opus is decked out in the Great Pumpkin costume and he's hoping he finds some herring tidbits in his treat collection. I doubt if anyone is giving out herring bits this year, or any year, and I've got a jar of herring as a Halloween surprise for my favorite penguin.  ï»¿

It seems that every year there are more and more outdoor decorations for Halloween. These two buildings are less than a block from where I live and in the Halloween spirit. I've never seen this building decorated in past years, but they've a great job this year.


This building is decorated every year. There is also a recording with spooky noises. I wasn't scared. But if you're coming down the street and not suspecting an eerie sound and sight show it may give you a fright, which is of course, the idea of Halloween.

I don't have any Halloween decorations except for Pep and Opus in their costumes. Do you decorate for Halloween, and if so, indoors and/or outdoors? 

I'll be back tomorrow with my tip on saving thousands of calories on Halloween, and yes, candy is involved.

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care!


Theresa said...

The cutest little Halloween costumes:) Love the decorations! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I put fall decorations up and there are a few halloween items that are included in that. People really do love to decorate and many homes here are decorated. Hope you have a safe and happy Halloween!

Mevely317 said...

Nuthin' happening on Ashley Drive, but Opus and Pep's costumes are adorable.
Happy Halloween, New York!

Chatty Crone said...

WOWOWOWOWOWW Halloween in New York is awesome - I love it!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How cute! And I always love to see the buildings you see that are decorated. I don't do much..just a little with my dollies! Hugs!


happy halloween.