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Easter Parade Pink Saturday

Easter was sunny and bright today and I had a wonderful time joining the Easter Parade. Just to be clear it's not really a parade, but a portion of Fifth Avenue is closed to traffic. It seemed that all of New York was out enjoying the day. I was not decked out, but I felt like I was in a minority. There were some very creative outfits and a fabulous array of hats. 

There were many Easter Bunnies in attendance, but this bunny was my favorite. I especially enjoyed the flower wreath that was entwined in the Bunny's ears. ï»¿

I liked the wide range of hat styles in this group. There was the classic bunny ears on the right and the Easter themed group in the center. I also liked the varied shades of pink in their clothes. 
Here we see the ever popular balloon bonnet, also in varied shades of pink.

There were many extremely creative hats. These hats are modeled on New York landmarks and the Empire State Building is on the right and the Chrysler Building on the left. 

This trio may be my favorite of the day. I enjoyed all of the bright colors and they made the most artistic photograph, with sunglasses and black coats.

Of course Easter isn't just bunnies, hats and candy. This is St. Patrick's Cathedral. This section of Fifth Avenue in front of the Cathedral was completely filled with people.  

The cornerstone for the Cathedral was placed in 1858 and it was opened in 1879. When the cornerstone was placed this was the northern edge of building in Manhattan.
I took a lot of pictures today, a lot! I plan to be back tomorrow with photographs of Rockefeller Center, which was beautifully decorated for the spring. I definitely need a return visit when the area is less crowded just to enjoy the flowers and decorations. 
I hope you've enjoyed our Pink Saturday Easter fun. Looking ahead to this week in Buttercupland...We will visit Rockefeller Center, there will be a giveaway and I'm thinking of a book themed post. Please stop by.
As ever, thanks for visiting. I hope all that celebrate Easter had a wonderful day and wishes for a wonderful week to all.  ï»¿



Love that black coat trio too. Very interesting hats all around. Looks like a fun experience.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

We don't do anything like that here in Texas. I love the old song, "in my Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it." If I were there and going to the Easter parade I'd want a very frilly, flowery old style hat!
Revisit the Tender Years with me during the #AtoZChallenge at Life & Faith in Caneyhead!

Linda said...

{{{Big, Big Smiles}}} AWESOME!!! I love a parade, smiles.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. It brings back some great memories for me.

Theresa said...

WOW, what a fun time! LOVE those three pretty ladies, SO stylish in their hats:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Mevely317 said...

I'd no idea this took place, and practically in your own back yard! Love these folks' creativity!

Paula said...

I love hats. I have some wonderful memories of Easter hats and making fun hats out of paper plates in my young days. Thanks for the memories

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That is quite the crowd!

Looks like a beautiful day, in NYC.

Saleslady371 said...

Wow, those hats of the buildings. Hope they were lightweight so they didn't get a headache. I like your pics!

Pondside said...

As I read this post I was humming the tune of "In Your Easter Parade". It certainly looks like a lot of fun!

shortybear said...

awesome post.

Jeanne Bryan Insalaco said...

I've never been in the city for Easter, sounds like fun. I love taking pictures! Might have to hop the train in next Easter and check out the hats!