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Pink Saturday Night at Radio City Music Hall

Beautiful Sound and Light show at Saks Fifth Avenue, first stop on our Radio City Night.
This was the year that I was going to see everything in New York at Christmas. At best it was an ambitious plan, but with bronchitis, impossible. I've cut drastically on my activity this week and am feeling better. I'm not bouncing back as quickly as I'd like, but I'm much improved. There will be a number of things I hoped to do that won't get done and I won't have all the pictures I'd like to share. Of course every year I have the same feeling -- too much that I want to do between December 1 and December 25.
I did get to share the Radio City Christmas show with Lonni, my friend of 50+ years last weekend. The weather was great and we both pronounced it our best Christmas in New York weekend ever. Not worrying about slipping on ice greatly contributed and having orchestra seats for Radio City helped, too. Our seats were terrific for seeing the show, but not great for photographs. I did get some that I'd like to share for Pink Saturday fun.
My favorite parts of the show are the Rockettes -- so wish I had the feet to take up tap dancing now -- and the living Nativity. This year the Nativity seemed unusually beautiful and the appearance of the angel was a breathtaking moment.
This week flew by and it's time to let the winner of the Minions giveaway know the happy news. It's Melinda at Country Dreaming. Melinda, I'll be in touch and will try to mail your DVD this week. I've got one more giveaway for December and it will be a book. I love to share books and give them as gifts. I'll post this last giveaway for the year the week after Christmas. 
I hope everyone had a good weekend and wishes for a blessed Christmas week! ï»¿


Little Wandering Wren said...

Hi Buttercup
I'm showing up on your live travel feed as from Germany but actually I'm in the air between Abu Dhabi and Australia clearly on German wifi! How cool is that?!
I am sorry you have been under the weather but glad it has not stopped you getting out and about totally.
Congrats to Melinda, your Minion winner - to give you a laugh here is me and the crazy poodle in our best minion attire: http://littlewanderingwren.blogspot.com.au/2015/11/thanks-minion.html
Have a very Happy Christmas :)
Wren x

Anonymous said...

Sorry you've been sick and glad you're on the mend. At least the weather has been warm making it easier for you going places.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glad to hear you are better. Illness does put a damper on things. I can commiserate with you as I've had some kind of crud and I've not done half of what I hoped to do either. I'm late with it all and muddling through. The wonderful thing is that Christmas will come whether I'm ready or not.

Theresa said...

What a beautiful time in your city! Have a blessed day dear Carol, HUGS!

Linda said...

I have always wanted to see the Rockettes. Thank you for sharing...many Holiday Blessings.

Nadine_Feldman said...

Sorry you've been ill! My husband got sick, too. I hope you have a full recovery right away! This stuff seems to hang on for a while.

This is a show we'd definitely like to see.

Mevely317 said...

Just hearing "Radio City" sets my imagination agog! What fun that you and Lonni were able to experience the show together! Thanks for sharing these images with the rest of us!

Sending scads of 'feel-better' wishes and prayers your way!

Susie said...

Carol, I know seeing the Rockettes had to be such fun. I can remember wishing I could grow up to be one of them. LOL. So glad you had nice weather for getting out. Take care of yourself. Hate that you've been sick. Blessings to you for a merry Christmas. xoxo,Susie

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Congrats Melinda on the Minions win!

Are your knees in good shape? Maybe try adult tap lessons! Never too late!