...Just seeing the box for your new Shark Rocket Powerhead is exciting.
My floors and I thank you, Shark!
When I was in elementary school I always replied "toys," when I was asked what I would like for my birthday or Chanukah. When I got to Junior High, books and clothes were at the top of my list. They're probably still at the top of my list, but I'm loving my new vacuum. This is definitely not the gift I would have asked for in years past, but it's the gift the grown Buttercup is thrilled to receive. Thanks, friends at Shark.
My new vacuum wasn't my only surprise this week. My sweet goddaughter, J., sent me a copy of "The One that Got Away" by Bethany Chase. It looks terrific and I can't wait to read it and then share it in a giveaway next week to formally kick-off "Fiction Friday." My goal for the rest of this year is to write about one novel every Friday. Fiction lovers, hope you will stop by.
Our first "Fiction Friday" giveaway next week features "The One that Got Away."

It's a beautiful autumn day in New York. I'm feeling much better and was able to enjoy being outside this morning. I'm still barking, but much less and my energy is coming back. So glad and grateful to be more of my peppier self.
As ever, thanks for visiting and have a terrific Thursday!
Dear Carol, I so look forward to your fiction Fridays. I read mostly mysteries and some thrillers. I've always got my nose stuck in a book or my finger flipping e-pages. I'll go to the library website now and look for "The One Who Got Away."
Living with three cats has made me most appreciative of the Dyson I have that is advertised as a fine "picker-upper" of fur! Enjoy your Shark. Peace.
Hi Carol! I am thinking you must feel a bit better. What a cool win! Like you I would never have thought of such a gift like this years ago. Today it is just perfect. Enjoy your new toy. Hugs, Anne
...And there I go getting ahead of myself! I am reading like a madwoman lately. I think the cooler it gets the more I crave reading. I am anxious to hear about your book as I am always wanting more to read! Look forward to your Fiction Friday too. Thank you for sharing.
Glad to hear that you are feeling better.
Congratulations on winning your new toy!
M : )
I hope you will continue to improve and soon be as good as new! Yes, we know we are all grown up when the delivery of a Shark excites us.:-) Also, if we no longer feel excitement at the unexpected snowfall out the window.:-)
We have a Shark clothes iron, and it works very well!
{{{Big, big smiles}}}---I am glad you're feeling better. Blessings
I know how it feels to be excited about a new vacuum. How things change! Yours was extra special as it didn't cost a thing. Glad you are doing better. Hope it stays that way. Take good care !
Hey Carol, Sorry I haven't been by in a while. We moved to VA! Anyway, how exciting that you won a Shark vacuum. And your book Friday's will be much anticipated! Have a blessed weekend~Anne
Buttercup, That vacuum cleaner would excite me too. :):) I just picked up a skinny little book , I have read two pages and cried already. Glad you are feeling better. I just got my flu shot today and I feel stiff ..hope I am better tomorrow. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
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