I was all set for autumn. I was ready to bake, roasted my first vegetables and contemplated when I would get my flu shot. I even scored terrific new socks at a super discount at Bloomingdale's. Apples: check, Pumpkin recipes researched: check and gloves rediscovered.
I had a headache -- rare for me these days -- last week, but took two Advil and went on my merry way. Saturday morning my throat was scratchy, but I had a ticket for a benefit fashion show chaired by a dear friend. I couldn't miss that and hopped on the train. I skipped the gym yesterday, but figured I'd be back to my peppy self this morning. But at three o'clock this morning I woke up barking like a seal, and it continued on through the morning.
I'm thankful for the walk-in medical center two blocks from my house. After reading the latest issue of "People" I saw the same doctor I'd seen last spring for a similar ailment, though I'd caught that a little sooner. I've got my change of season bronchitis and even my spiffy Dalmatian socks aren't cheering me up. I'm barking a little less thanks to cough medicine, but I'm drippy and you can just call me Sneezy. I'm optimistic this will run a quick course, but I could use a hug. Virtual is actually the best, because I don't want to give my sneezy barking to anyone else.
One nice thing I have noticed in the last few days is a renewed zest for blogging. I've been remiss for the last few months, but I'm feeling a little zing when I think of things I'd like to write about. While my chest and throat don't feel especially good, getting back my blogging mojo is a great feeling. Next on my list is a lot more catching up with all of your blogs.
As ever thanks for visiting and hope your week is healthy! 

Return of your blogging mojo sounds terrific - BUT, Feeling Stellar is Much Better . . . Your dalmatian socks are adorable . . . may your happy feet wear them to splendid - HEALTHY adventures SOON!!!
Here's hoping you feel
better soon!
Sending many hugs to help
you feel better.
M : )
Your dalmatian socks are cute, but I hope you stop barking soon. Here is a virtual hug from me.
Tom and I had that just a few weeks back, so my heartfelt sympathies (and hugs) are winging their way to your door!
I'm so sorry you are not feeling well. Consider yourself hugged! Enjoy some hot tea with raw honey if you can. Very soothing.
Prayers for a quick recovery!
Glad your blogging mojo is back, but noooooo being sick. Be well soon! Considered yourself loaded up with hugs.
Virtual hug-up given...glad you are in recovery...remember to get rid of or sanitize all things used i eyes,nose and mouth to prevent reinfecting...toothbrush, makeup applicators...drink fluids...no French kissing...just joking...those spotted socks are nice comfort warmers...blog-on!
Oh dear! That's not good to hear. I am happy that you have your dalmatian socks to keep you warm. Even better would be to have my dalmatian, Oliver, to snuggle up on your feet!! We are both sending you a virtual hug this morning.
Hope you are better soon. This time of year always seems to set off a stream of ailments. I started sneezing the other day and thought I'd never stop. I guess the change in the air from hot and humid to cool and dry got my sinus upset.
Aw{}---I pray you get to feeling better, sickness is hanging on here as well. I loveeee your socks, smiles. Blessings
Virtual HUG coming your way! Hope this morning finds you feeling better! Weather change does it to me too:( Sending HUGS and PRAYERS across the miles!
Being confined to the house gives you more desire to blog? That just shows you have a very active mind!
Feel better soon, Carol! Lots of rest and hot fluids/chicken soup.
I have my fingers crossed that I don't get bronchitis again this winter -I had it twice last winter and had to use an inhaler for the first time in my life. Less oxygen at our altitude so it can get difficult to breathe when ill.
Feel better soon, Carol! Lots of rest and hot fluids/chicken soup.
I have my fingers crossed that I don't get bronchitis again this winter -I had it twice last winter and had to use an inhaler for the first time in my life. Less oxygen at our altitude so it can get difficult to breathe when ill.
Oh, Buttercup! I'm so sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well! I am sending big, big hugs in your direction, and hope that you will feel better sooner rather than later. xo
Feel better soon! Love those socks! I am a sock girl! I especially love the holiday socks and have so many different ones, it is fun and they make you feel better when you are under the weather! Take care. My hubby gets bronchitis and has to get the breathing treatments and use an inhaler. Argh....Nick uses an inhaler occasionally when running but mostly in the high altitude, Kansas altitude isn't so bothersome. Fingers crossed to watch him run at Fort Hayes, Kansas this weekend and then he comes home on the 13th for a few days through Sunday! Whew!
Stay inside until you feel better. Take care TLC and Hugs from Colorado , Anne
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