The Eagle Has Landed
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The sweetest sound is coming from my closet-sized kitchen. The dishwasher is purring away and there is not a drop of water on the floor. I realize this is a somewhat silly anxiety, but it's one I've had for the last few days. With a small hitch (an extra $57.50 for labor and a part) I am the very happy owner of a new dishwasher. The aroma of Fantastik with bleach drifts out from the kitchen and I am at peace.
As I had to clear off the counter I discarded spices that had long lost their scent and several bottle of vitamins that had expired. I am on a clearing, cleaning extravaganza and so delighted to start the new year -- in three hours -- with a cleaner, somewhat neater house.
My wishes, dear friends, is for a much more peaceful year and health and happiness for all of you and your families. My goal for myself is to be grateful, profoundly grateful, for all the blessings I have been given, including the friendship I find in Blogland. May we all be inscribed for a good year!
New York City Life

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So glad you have a dishwasher that works! I, for one, could not live without mine.
Ok--so I think I'm missing something. Did we enter a new year and noone told me? I'm lost????
Congrats on the new dishwasher!!!
So happy that you are happy! How great to be clearing and clearing out. A very Blessed New Year to you too.
May you experience dry floors and clean dishes for many years to come!
Profoundly grateful. I like that. (And I like your new dishwasher!)
Wahoo! Starting a new year with a new dishwasher! :D Have a blessed Rosh Hashana! :D Deb
Okay,,,Shut UP! A Dishwasher??? I'd be in heaven! But I'd have to rip out some of the old cabinetry and I love it in all it's Chippy White Glory!
Happy for you though!
Don't forget to stop over missy! I'm having a "200th post Giveaway!"
Congrats and love,,,,and finished ANOTHER Elizabeth George Novel today,,,,ackk read till I was BLIND! Then,,,I went an bought a Cupcake! Which is still giving me the Evil Eye! Ha!
Hugs and Love and stop by and Enter!
Buttercup, you are the sweetest ~ what a kind heart you have!
You are so, so right Buttercup! Cleaning and clearing soothes the soul as the clutter goes bye bye! It really does make us feel better to sort, and decide what to keep and what we can let go of. It's not just about "stuff" is it?
We gave up on our dishwasher and do them by hand again. The thing sounds like a jet with pneumonia taking off.
Shana Tova, if that is the correct way to express hopes for a happy and sweet year.
GOD BLESS You and a Happy New year to you.
Yom Kippur is coming soon too, a church we went to years agao, the Pastor Wife's was Jewish and she taught us all the Jewish Holidays Purim is by far the fav of mine. But they are all glorious and great days to celebrate.
Have a Blessed day
I love your new dishwasher and the counters look perfect!!
Thank you for your wishes .What a lovely goal for the New Year !
HAPPY ROSH HASHANAH to you!! dear I am so happy that you have a new dishwasher. It is something I have never had although must say they are getting more and more popular over here now. I laughed just a few weeks ago when a friend was in a real rage as her family had bought her a dishwasher, she lives alone in a very small flat and could see no need for it....Now she has to eat her own words as she has fallen in love with it !! Have lovely Year my friend.
Love Sybil x
I have been washing dishes by hand for 2 years now. . . I'm not sure if I don't mind or if I just know that is the way it is for now.
So glad you got your dish washer in. . . It is nice to get new things. AND and even nicer to have a dish washer that's not you :)
HAPPY ROSH HASHANAH!!!! I hope it is the best one ever for you! Now, I am off to find out what Rosh Hashanah is :)
I am back! I have learned so much! Happy Rosh Hashanah to you and yours.
Shana Tova! My dishwasher has had quite a workout for the last few nights.
I wish you a happy and healthy year
So glad you got your new dishwasher! It's gorgeous! And I'll bet really quiet!
I am so excited for you - a new dishwasher - what in the world would we do without them?
Sandie w/♥
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