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103 Didn't Stop Me

I know that for our friends in Texas and Arizona 103 is just abut the norm in the summer. When I lived in Nashville it wasn't unusual to have the temperature at 95 -- and 95 per cent humidity -- most of the summer. But it's not the norm here. We haven't had weather this hot since 2001 and the last few summers have been relatively mild. Today broke the record at 103. Most of the day was spent planning how we would cope at work if the power went down. Thankfully that didn't occur, but it brought back memories of the 2004 blackout. 

I resolved to do my half mile and after work I found myself right at the shopping capital of New York, Fifth Avenue and Fifty Seventh Street. It was too hot to do much window shopping, but I had fun looking in the windows at Bergdorf and Bulgari across the street. Luckily the bus arrived before I needed to duck into one of these pricey wonderlands to avail myself of their air conditioning. There is very little I could buy at Bulgari that wouldn't max out my credit, but the cosmetic department at Bergdorf can be very appealing.

Now I'm happily home basking in front of the air conditioner and happy to be blogging. My heart is warm for my blog friends, but my wishes are for cool, cool and more cool!


Country Whispers said...

Wishing for cool weather here too! I'm sure thankful for the A/C. Without it, life would be miserable, hot and sticky!

k and c's mom said...

Believe it or not, it was not too hot here in central Texas today! (Last summer we had like 2 months worth of 105 degree days.) Thought about you when they talked about the New York heat on World News Tonight.
Stay cool(er).

Chatty Crone said...

In winter we want it warmer and in summer cooler - how come? sandie

Sybil said...

I cannot begin to imagine what that degree of heat would be like. I think I would hav eto just sit and a cold bath all day !! Over here we have had lovely weather last two weeks with temps just around the 80f mark and even that is on the hot side if we don't have a wee breeze
LOL Mind you we don't have air con. just a fan when it gets to that temp..I expect if we had every summer that hot we woudl all be getting air con. !! Do please try to keep as cool as possible. I wonder what our Queen felt like in all that heat yesterday when she was at ground Zero and the UN.
Love Sybil xx

Mimi said...

OH good, now the East coast can understand how HOT we are!!!!I bet we were not much hotter then that today, I think 105, but very dry, low humidity!!!
So it does not feel that bad!!!I helped hubby most of the day yesterday, we cleaned out the garage and mopped the floor, I know who mops their garage, we do!!!!
Then it was time to fertilize the lawn, our lawn guy is done working for us, I had to let him go, he is young, and I have given him 2 years to get it right, he has been doing our lawn for over 3 years, I felt sorry for him, but hubby said it is time to let him go, we told him in early MAY< fertilize our lawn we are having company on Memerial day, he did nothing, so here it is July 4th and our yeard looks the worse on the street, and we have a lawn guy, the 3 neighbors right across from me do their own and have the Best looking lawn!!!OH so the saying, the grass is greener in someone else's lawn is correct here!!!!!
SO it was HOT out there, but we drank lOTS of H2O
and I mean alot!!!!Like 8-10 glasses full!!!!
Keep COOL!!!

Pam said...

Hi Buttercup! I feel for you; that is way too hot! It's in the high 80's here but very humid. Cooler weather is on the way to Chicagoland for the weekend supposedly, so I hope it heads your way. Bet that cosmetic counter at Bulgari is amazing! I like your book selection and will be checking them out! Stay cool and drink your water!

Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said...

I think it's been hot every where! We've been doing 90 and super humid. Yuck! Keep going though, that's all you can do!

Jemi Fraser said...

I'm so glad air conditioning exists! I hope this heat & humidity quit soon. I prefer cooler weather :)

Melinda said...

Thanks for stopping by Dreaming---hope you had fun.
Come back soon and join the fun.
Enjoyed reading your posts and will be joining YOUR fun!
Stay cool and don't overdue yourself. We've had pretty nice temps lately but I think the heat is coming back.

See you soon.


Sharon said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you enjoyed it and will come back. We love NYC and visit often, so I am super excited to have a follower in NYC this early in my blogging life. I've read your very first week of blog posts and the most current week. Will try to catch up soon. Looking forward to doing the Freedom Challenge with you.

Lindsay said...

That is toasty!!!! We have had high 80's for a few days and I am happy about that!

Terra said...

I saw on Country Wings that it is time to wish you a fabulous birthday, no matter what the temperature is. So happy day to you and stay cool.

The French Bear said...

Hello and Happy Birthday, I just came from Country Wings!! Seems you are celebrating a special day and I thought I would join in and send you some good wishes!!!
Margaret B

Nancy M. said...

Wow, it did get really hot up there! It's been around a hundred here a lot lately.

Happy Birthday!!!

Andrea said...

We are miserable here in Virginia! These are sauna like conditions. I am praying with sitka for snow!

Hope you have an awesome birthday!

Becky K. said...

I could not survive without the A/C, I am convinced...
It must be so interesting to live in NYC.

Have a very happy birthday!!!!!

Becky K.

Jane said...

Very nice blog - love NYC, have many relatives in the area there. Will be back to visit soon!
