When I first started blogging I had no idea how this "blogging thing" would go. Would I lose steam in a month? Would I quickly have a thousand followers? Would I have any idea how to do posts anyone else would want to read? The answers are no, no and yes. I started leaving messages on blogs of a few friends and then I branched out. I looked at folks who had graphics to share, wrote about writing and were over 50, not necessarily on any one blog. It was quite a collage of bloggers, but early on I found Penniwig, who was funny, tough and had great fabulous graphics. There were a lot of nice bloggers leaving comments and I made a number of my blogger friends from visiting Penniwig's.
As of last week, Penniwig is no longer blogging as Penniwig. She's gone on to bannerhaus.blogspot.com, with more great graphics, but no comments. The graphic above is a gift from Banner Haus, and with her suggestion I have experimented with adding text on Picnik. I've been thinking of trying Picnik for awhile, so this was the good incentive I needed.
Besides trying Picnik, my goals for today are simple. Renew a prescription, take a trip to WholeFoods where among other things, I'm going to look over their whole wheat pasta selection, pay some bills, spend some time blog visiting, do today's NY Times crossword and spend a little time reading "Wolf Hall" a novel about Tudor England, which I am enjoying thoroughly. Hope you all have an equally peaceful day!
P.S. Penniwig, has moved on, but I'm staying right here. Can't thank you enough for your nice notes! I'm very content in this little corner of the blog world.
Thanks for the Memories
Monday, February 15, 2010
New York City Life,

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I've loved getting to "know you" over your blog! If you change locations, please keep us all informed so we can follow. I'm reminded of a post you did on a "no errand day off" and that is what I'm shooting for today. Treating myself to relaxing things; glad that you are doing the same.
Sounds like you have the day off...I am at work as usual. Enjoy!
Hi Buttercup!!!!
I am so glad I found you and I do not remember how, but I sure enjoy reading your city life blog, not that I don't live in a big city, but not NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!
Have a fun day
I love whole wheat pasta and that is all I use now!!!!
Hi Buttercup I have already commented but it seems to have gone walkabout !! Anyway just to say it was a bleesing when I found you via Ma I think...when you wrote a comment on my blog..I have only visited NY once and love the city and your great descriptive words when describing places has me enthralled..thank you. Also your love hearts on the side bars are wonderful. I could never be as clever as to do that !!
Enjoy the pasta...one of my very fav. meals.
Love Sybil xx
Oh, that Penniwig. Such a pain.
I like Picnik! I might even buy the "upgrade" version because it's so quick to use.
It's always fun to hear of your adventures in the Big Apple, and other treks.
Always enjoy stopping by!
Well, I for one - love to come and visit your little place on the blog - it makes me happy and I love to see your pictures and hear about your life.
That was a nice tribute to sweet old Penniwig.
She has been a real treasure to budding bloggers.
I'm glad she has re-invented herself and continues to be a resource for us all.
Boy, it's been a while since I've commented, but I'm still around and following! So glad you aren't leaving! Hope you had a good day! Linda
PS. I just found out about Google Reader and am hoping to be able to keep up better using it.
I love playing around with designs. I've used paint a lot, since it's free. Glad you're sticking around!
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