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You Read It Here First


I rarely post about football, but for even someone who's not a football follower, it's difficult not to be caught up in the fervor about the Kansas City Chiefs. The excitement is about playing football, which is big in Kansas City and the tight end of the team, Travis Kelce. It's also about Travis' romance with superstar Taylor Swift.

I also rarely post about celebrities, but I caught the Taylor/Travis fervor last week. I started reading about the romance, and friends, you have seen it here first. I predict that this is the real thing and I'm willing to bet that they get married. 

Yes, Taylor is one of the most famous women in the world, but Travis is no slouch. He more than holds his own in the world of football and friends in Missouri spoke of not only his football success, but his philanthropy in the area. They're close in age and after long relationships that ended, they both may be ready to settle down.   

Though I got caught up in Chiefs' mania the trip was so much more than football. I got to spend time with my blog buddy, Melinda and her husband, Ken. I also got down to Branson, and spent time at the Truman Library in Independence and the fabulous Nelson-Atkins Museum in Kansas City. 

Spent a great evening with my Kansas City blog buddy and her husband. 
Loved the barbecue restaurant they suggested. 

Yes, I'm posting two days in a row, which I haven't done in ages. But I feel that I've been neglecting Buttercupland and will try and post at least three days a week. I've got at least one Kansas City post to come and then we begin autumn posts as well as give a little love to books I've read and life in New York City.  

As ever, thanks for visiting and prayers for peace!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Prayers for peace here too. Scary times. I remember the last time Israel was at war in 1973. I was in high school and scared and sure that the end of the world was close at hand. On a happier note, You have had a nice trip to K.C.. I will look forward to more blog posts and seeing what you have been reading! Glad you are enjoying fall.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I am a Cleveland Browns fan here. But I did enjoy hearing about Kelsy and Taylor. Romance puts a new slant on things. I hope they do get together. I'm not a big fan of autumn. It is more of a sad time for me. We do get some colorful leaf pepper here, that is lovely to see, other wise it's been wet and rainy here. We have a rare dry day here today with sunshine and blue skies. Which helps me to appreciate fall more.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sorry that was supposed to read leaf peeping here. The trees are turning color now.

Theresa said...

I am a KC Chiefs fan too. The romance part of it is fun to watch:) Enjoy your day. HUGS! PRAYERS FOR PEACE

Traveling Suitcase said...

I don't follow pro-sports, but have seen tons of pictures of Taylor Swift at the games. Have to say I never heard of him before all the hype and pictures hit social media etc. But, if it's real they might be well suited and could do good things together. We certainly need more positive people doing good. Sounds like you had a good time with your blog buddy. I think it's always cool to be able to meet up face to face with someone you initially knew on line.

Melinda said...

We loved visting with you!!!!!!!


Lauren said...

We all love a good love story!