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Say It With Percy Piggies


Yes, bloggy friends, it's Percy Pig

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

There's a reason that "Say it with flowers" is the catchphrase for the floral industry and "Diamonds are a girl's best friend" was used to sell jewelry for  decades. Those are two of the most traditional ways to show that someone cares. I know that candy is a runner-up, but I don't think that Percy Pig was exactly what came to mind for winning hearts. And I know that my friend is Percy may not have been sent to win my heart, but rather as a gesture of friendship. Either way I am so, so appreciative. 

After a great walk with Betsy and Presley this afternoon I came home to today's mail. There were several pieces that went immediately to recycling and two packages. One of the packages was a copy of Asheville Magazine, from my travel buddy, Pat, and the other was a total mystery.  I had nothing on order -- except a dress that seems to be lost in transit -- so this package was a complete surprise. I opened it up and there was no note, just Percy Pig all wrapped up in a plastic bag for travel. 

I called one of the possible suspects and they denied any knowledge of sending Percy. This leaves just about anyone who is a friend and blog reader and read the post for last week's Pink Saturday, when I rhapsodized over Percy Pig and Colin the Caterpillar. Friend, you have found the way to my heart with a bag of jelly piggies and I am so tickled. Some women may prefer diamonds -- not me -- or a dozen roses, but I will always go for a bouquet of lilacs and jelly candy. 

I know there are readers who think it may be farfetched to believe Percy was sent by a would-be suitor, and I concur that it is farfetched, possibly beyond imagining. But when one has entered one's eighth decade, the romantic gestures are few and I'm going to believe that there's a suitor out there who knows that the way to this woman's heart is via a bag of Percy Pig jelly candies. If nothing else, it's a great premise for a romance novel. 

Again, many thanks, suitor/friend/beloved reader. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and thanks for being a friend. 


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a wonderful thing, Carol, to receive an unexpected and obviously a treat that made your day😀

A Bit of the Blarney said...

It is wonderful to get a surprise and your gratitude is apparent, as well as your surprise. Thank you! Cathy

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What fun to get neat packages like this! And a mystery too! Hmmmm! Enjoy your day my friend!

NanaDiana said...

What a fun and unexpected treasure in the mail! I got lost somewhere along the way...not knowing your name changed from Buttercup Counts Her Blessings so I was glad to see the name Carol and then knew it was you....wow--that was a rambling sentence! Happy Sunday! xo Diana