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My Perfect Word for 2023: Pace


I've chosen a "perfect word" eleven years past. They've ranged from (Embrace) Change in 2012 to Climb in 2015 and Vision in 2020. Vision turned out to be wildly incorrect, because I had no vision of what 2020 would be like. I retroactively changed vision to hope, because that was the word I lived during 2020. Last year's word was gratitude and that was my word for the year. 

Somewhere in December my perfect word for 2023 came to me. I was making up for the lost time of 2020 and 2021 last year and I wanted to do everything (and I mean everything) I'd missed in the years before. This year as in past years, my word came to me. It's Pace. I am going to find a steady pace that moves along and not one that drags me with it. 

I'm going to pace myself and focus on the things that are most important to me. I have some things planned, including two weddings that mean the world to me. I may say no to things I want to do in order to be fully present for things I really want to do. I want to keep blogging at a steady pace, read more, spend time with friends and family, get back to Yoga and of course, keep walking.  

My final count for the Journey of 1000 Miles was 1050.7 miles. Today I've started my 2023 Journey of 1000 Miles. I'll be posting here about Our Walking Journey 2023, and will be starting a Facebook group. I'll also be posting on Instagram, if anyone wants to follow along there. Forty plus people have indicated interest from 24 states, the District of Columbia and one Canadian Province. I hope to set up the group in the next day and will send out invitations to Facebook friends who are interested. Your friends are more than welcome, too.   

As ever, thanks for visiting and every wish for good health and happiness in 2023. 


Deb J. in Utah said...

That's a great word for 2023! I hope to start my 2023 walking journey but a foot of snow on the ground and more coming down today kept me inside. I hope that 2023 is a good year for you! See you again soon.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

First of all I misread it as "Peace" and I thought, "That's never going to happen." But "pace" I can handle. A friend of mine just was fitted with a pacemaker, I plan to keep walking at a steady pace, do my blog apace, watch toddlers take their first pace...yep, pace is a word we can all adapt to our own circumstances. Pace it is!

Brenda said...

I do not do Facebook but will of course walk.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That's a great word for you especially with you doing the 1000 miles. You set the pace for you and no one else can do it for you. I still haven't decided on my perfect word, but I hope to do it soon while the year is still young.

Theresa said...

Pace is a great word for 2023! I will be trying to pace myself in the New Year too. Enjoy your day dear friend, HAPPY NEW YEAR! HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Great! What state are you in?

Lynda said...

Pace is a great word. As you describe it, it reminds me of the book entitled "Boundaries" by Townsend and Cloud. It is okay to say "no" and you don't have to give reasons is one of the premises in that book. Also to accomplish goals and God's purpose in your life, you have to do the things you have stated. Great word for all of us. I make a list each day - - often the night before (read about doing that in a book). I prioritize the things I definitely want/need accomplished. The rest are bonus. I am a visual learner so seeing it in writing helps me. The other good thing about it being on paper - - in the same spot each day - - is it is out of my head and not causing the stress of remembering what needs to be done.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You have made a good selection, Carol, in your word of the year. I haven’t yet decided on one of my own, but no is in the running and not in a negative connotation, but rather knowing when to set boundaries.

Chatty Crone said...

I am so darn proud of you! I need to become a better walker.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I concur with the others, that pace is a good word choice, Carol, and if I were picking one it would be a difficult choice as there are several contenders. As I am not a FB user, I won't follow your steps progress there, but will be doing my own walking indoors and outdoors this year, so good luck to us both. Like yourself, I plan to keep blogging but will not be commenting on every blogger's post, as this is one area in which I need to pace myself due to time. I have started reading daily and want to continue and my readings will concentrate on nonfiction more this year.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

That's a great word.
Please send me an invitation to your FB walk group. I'm limited because of my back issues, but would like to have something to motivate me to at least try,

Anonymous said...

Pace is definitely a good word this year. I'm trying to adapt to retirement.