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B Is for Black and White Cookie

B is for the New York classic cookie, the black and white.

For the second post in the A to Z Challenge, I'm going with one of my favorite sweets and a New York City icon, the black and white cookie. While I had to stretch for "A", "B" presented great difficulty in topic choice. There was my perennial New York food favorite, the bagel, as well as Breads Bakery, which I've written about several times. But I thought it was time to feature another iconic New York treat. 

I've never thought much about the history of the black and white cookie, but there is a history. When I did a little research I found that the cookie is "commonly traced" to a German bakery, Glaser's, in the Yorkville section of Manhattan in 1902. When I first moved to New York in 1975 the neighborhood still had a number of German restaurants and food stores, though sadly only a few remain. The cookie base is soft and the fondant icing is usually chocolate and vanilla, though I've had black and white cookies with a lemon section, which are equally tasty. The cookie pictured above is from Orwasher's, originally founded in 1916, also in the Yorkville section, but by Hungarian immigrants. Orwashers is one of my favorite food places in Manhattan and we'll be returning for a fuller look at its goodies in our "O" post.      


Though the bagel isn't featured, it definitely deserves an honorable mention. 

"B" also stands for Bonus and I'm including a Pink Saturday bonus, a few photographs from my visit this afternoon to Macy's flower show. 

This display called out for a Pink Saturday post. 

If you look at this picture very carefully, it's a selfie reflection. 

Tomorrow is a break from the A to Z posts, but I'll be here with a book post. I hope you'll stop by. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care. 


Mom and Ideas said...

I noticed the reflection! And I am craving cookies now ��
See you around the A-Z challenge!

Deb J. in Utah said...

What you share from your life in NYC is always fun and interesting. I would like one of those bagels with cream cheese for breakfast today. Have a great week. See you again soon.

Little Wandering Wren said...

Those bagels do look a good & beautiful B!

LC said...

interesting history and a sneaky trigger to my vanilla-chocolate craving. I enjoy all your posts, but the alphabet posts especially sparkle with creativity and whimsey.

Beth Lapin said...

Yum! What a great topic!


Danielle L Zecher said...

I had no idea black & white cookies had been around so long. I think they're pretty, but I don't like chocolate, so I've never had one.

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

You have made me hungry with this post. Hmmmm cookies ... and bagels. I am craving chocolate and sesame seeds - which wouldn't make a bad combo😊.
Tasha's Thinkings: YouTube - What They Don't Tell You (and free fiction)

Arlee Bird said...

Unfortunately we don't have great bagel options where I live. I'm in primarily a Hispanic area in Los Angeles county so we can find lots of Mexican breads and pastries, but sadly mainly mainstream bagels. Panera's passable, but doesn't even come near the great bagels I would get when I visited my daughters in NJ.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out