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Celebrating Py-Day in Buttercupland

Happy Pi Day/Py Day

All over the world people celebrate Pi Day, March 14 or 3.14. But here in Buttercupland we're not only celebrating at Double Pi Plus One (March 29th), but we're celebrating Py Day. Actually we celebrate Py Day every day, but this year is special. We have a new My Py(rex) friend. Please meet our Py spoon/ounce shot glass. 

My Pyrex measuring cup is an old, old friend. It's sturdy and hardworking and it's been a companion in every kitchen of my grownup life. It's a twin to the measuring cup I grew up with and when I embarked on the adventure of setting up a kitchen in 1972 it was one of my first purchases. I had just moved to Nashville for graduate school and made my way to Woolworth's on Twenty-First Avenue South. I don't remember what else I bought, but I know this Pyrex cup was in that first batch. 

A couple of weeks ago I was chatting with friends about my love of Pyrex. My friend Mary R. mentioned the little shot glass, of which I was totally unfamiliar. The next week it was mine and it joins the older and bigger measuring cup. I am glad to report that they are living in complete harmony in the kitchen and no signs of sibling rivalry.

Do my Py buddies have other friends in Buttercupland? 

It's warmed up some and I'm out for my walk in a little while. I've got an adventure tomorrow and there will be photographs. What's on your agenda?

As ever, thanks for visiting and wishes for a great spring day. 


Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I like this "PY" day - so fun!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I love my PY - which helps me bake pies. OKAY, THAT was bad.

Jeanie said...

I've never seen the shotglass. That's a great idea.

Marcia said...

I need a new pyrex measuring cup. The measurements have gotten so faded on mine - too hard to see. Hope I can find one next time I'm grocery shopping.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I have two pyrex measuring cups just like yours and I use one or both almost every day. Happy Py Day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We have a whole series of Pyrex measuring cups, up to 4 cups in size, and I am quite sure they are at least forty years old, maybe more. One has a chip, a token of valiant service, but the others are almost unblemished despite almost daily work in the kitchen. We take them for granted, but today I will have a special affection for them!

Little Wandering Wren said...

I love that diddy measuring Py cup - fun post!
Have a great week Carol!
Wren x

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yes, to liking my Pyrex measuring cups of which I have in sizes ranging from 1 to 3 cup and doubles of each size. I know how we are always advised to declutter things we have duplicates of, but thse cups are one of my favorite kitchen "tools" and having extras is never an issue. I do not have the shot glass measuring size, but maybe one day it will join its larger "siblings" in our kitchen cabinet.

Kerin said...

Yep... we have several old Pyrex measuring cups and a few old Pyrex bowls.

Cute post; thanks for sharing!
