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Love, Joy, Harmony and Goodness


With love from Bergdorf Goodness, 2020

Tonight marks the official end of the holiday season in Buttercupland. Though the Snow People will stay out for winter fun, the holiday monkeys have retired for the year and Pep and friends are back in their winter clothing. I do have a few cards left to answer, but the remaining cards and wrapping paper will be back in storage tomorrow. What remains, as always, are the memories and the photographs. This is our last set of photographs for Christmas, 2020, in New York City.    

The theme of the beautiful jewel-tone windows of Bergdorf Goodman, one of the last of the great department stores, were our wishes for 2021: love, joy, harmony and goodness. 

Wishing you joy throughout the year ahead 

May your life be harmonious

May you dwell in goodness each day of 2021

On this third day of 2021 I'm grateful for spending time with a dear friend and enjoying an outdoor lunch and a long walk. I'm grateful for my Sunday morning "Zoom" each week and my friend who arranges it and keeps our little group in touch. I'm grateful for my stockpile of paper towels (thank you, Costco!) and for my cozy kitchen. What were you especially grateful for this weekend?

As ever, thanks  for visiting and have a blessed week!


Shortbread and Ginger said...

Good post - best wishes for 2021. I'm grateful for my family and for the fact that I live in such a wonderful part of Scotland where my daily walk takes in some of the loveliest scenery in Scotland (in my opinion)! Liz

Anonymous said...

I am so grateful for FDR and the creation of Social Security Survivor Benefits. Without it, the kids and I would have been thrust into poverty-level existence. Of course, I would have found a way to better our situation, but it would have meant leaving teaching. Right now, these benefits have allowed the kids and I to continue living and working in the community we know rather than uprooting and trying to find our way in a new city. While I would love to live closer to my family, my children are happy at their schools and all the grief counselors have suggested minimal life changes after such a traumatic loss. I have much to be thankful for and look forward to 2021! Happy New Year, Carol.

Miss Kim said...

Ohhh I thought those windows were collages! They are mesmerizing!

I am grateful for the opportunity Covid has given me to have plenty of time to sit at my desk and wander the world through blogs :)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This was a very colorful post, Carol, and a great way to visually welcome 2021. I am grateful to be able to have done so safely at home and that family, friends, and blogger friends did the same. It was great seeing all your holiday themed posts from NYC but sadly all good things must end, until next holiday season. Good to read that you can enjoy your kitchen once again!

Theresa said...

Beautiful post and I love those words for 2021! I am grateful that my home is warm and cozy, that my health is good and that although I can’t be with all of my family... we can stay in touch virtually. Have a blessed and beautiful day and a happy and healthy year ahead. Hugs

acorn hollow said...

I am thankful we are healthy and for family and friends even though I can not see them right now.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Those windows are beautiful and what a lovely theme for the New Year ! I also got to use Zoom in order to wish my family a Happy New Year. It was wonderful to see and talk to all of them. So Thankful for technology.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Those windows are magnificent and I hope that BG will be around for years to come to have such beautiful displays. The world definitely needs some beauty.

I am grateful for family who did their best to make the holidays lovely for me. We could not be together but through Zoom and the phone calls and texts we stayed connected. I go into the new year with hope that the vaccine will return some normalcy to our lives and that hugs will return.

Edna B said...

I woke up again this morning. I'm ever so grateful for that even if I am rather grumpy some mornings. I love the colors in the windows. Very bright and cheerful. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

Olde Dame Holly said...

The people of New York must be sturdy, indeed, to bear an outdoor lunch during the winter! Beautiful windows; thank you for sharing them.

Lowcarb team member said...

Fabulous pictures, I do like the colours ... amazing.

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2021.
My good wishes.

All the best Jan

Selma Espinosa said...

I'm a 46 years old mother with 3 adorable kids and I have been married for 17 years now. After the birth of our last daughter 2 years ago, I noticed something about my husband that was completely different. He comes home late every night, sleeps on the couch never in the bedroom with me and doesn't give attention to me or the kids. I remember the night he came home drunk and told me he was no longer attracted to me after I had kids.
I cried myself to sleep that night, I could not believe that the man I have loved all my life will someday stopped loving me. Just few days to our wedding anniversary, he stopped coming home and would not take my calls. I had to talk to a friend and she suggested I contact a spell caster who could help me bring back his love and attention. It was the first time I heard such stuff existed, I give it a try with high expectations. After my contact with the Priest spellcaster, he helped me cast a spell that made my husband return home to me and our kids. I know a lot of people need this to help them stay happy in their marriages. You can contact Priest Obongibok let him help you; write him on email obongibok@priest.com or WhatsApp +13612367973.