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DIY Haircut or Not?

It's either You Tube to the rescue, or more choices than I can watch in a lifetime

Last Sunday I was supposed to get my hair cut and colored. I've already decided to forget about coloring for awhile -- gray hair to come and I don't especially care -- but I am starting to look a little shaggy. I have very little natural talent at hair styling, but I thought I might be able to find a You Tube video that would give me enough direction. 

I found about a million You Tube videos. I could literally spend the next two weeks watching the gamut of professional hair stylists to my favorite, "Cutting my hair with a dollars store scissors," and still have many more left to watch. I watched the latter video and realized the woman who made it had long curly hair, which was very far from my thin, fine short hair. During my You Tube surfing I found no one with hair like mine. I realized that attempting to cut layers with my own dull scissors from the dollar store was not a good idea. If only I could get my hair cut virtually! Has anyone else used You Tube for virtual learning in the last few weeks?

Reporting back on the cookie issue: I went with no cookies for this delivery. Based on my eating tonight, it was a very wise decision. I've really been focused for the last two weeks and it's paid off in terms of feeling good and weight. Tonight I lost it and ate three sandwich thins and peanut butter. I will start over tomorrow morning, but I'm grateful that when I unpack my groceries on Monday I won't be facing the temptation of cookies. 

Thanks, Myra, of Respice, Prospice for my wonderful surprise. Myra did a giveaway for "Will the Circle Be Unbroken," by Sean Dietrich aka Sean of the South, and Buttercup is the very happy winner. Definitely recommend that you stop by and visit Myra on your blog visits. She's a lovely woman, great friend and a fun blogger.

That's life in Buttercupland, this Saturday night. Besides my sandwich thins fiasco, I'm holding up more than okay. I had the good sense not to cut my hair with my dollar store scissors, and I'll take that for a win during Black Swan days in Manhattan. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care of yourself. Much love, wash your hands and don't touch your face! 


Ginny Hartzler said...

Congrats on the win! You sound like me. I can only diet for so long, then the evening comes when I binge. This search box photo is pretty funny. Glad you did not try it yourself!

Theresa said...

My hair needs a cut and color, BUT it will have to wait. I trim my bangs and use a temporary tint on my roots, but NO real cutting here:) I pray we will be back to normal before too long and the shabby hairdos will be a thing of the past! HUGS!

Chatty Crone said...

I need my hair trimmed too - the bangs are in my eyes and driving me nuts. Color already gray. I didn't know they had videos on cutting - but why not?

Mevely317 said...

Aw, thanks for the shout-out!
If you find a suitable tutorial, won't you let me know? I, too, struggle with too fine, thinning hair and have been considering a DIY trim.

Too funny (to me) about your having 'lost-it' last night -- on account I did the very same thing. *sigh*

Linda M. Conley said...

NO! On cutting your own hair...and I agree, I am looking shaggy as well, time for my maintance cut, but alias, everything is closed. I suppose we all will be looking like shaggy da's soon. smiles

Congrats on winning, I am so happy for you. smiles

Karen said...


Mimi said...

I trimmed my bangs yesterday. Big improvement. Because I had already missed a couple of haircut appointments, mine is now long enough to pull back into a (very) short ponytail. Think this was a happy accident because as long as I can trim the bangs, the rest of my hair will be okay. The color? I'm okay with the shift to gray.

Stay safe.

Melinda said...

Shaggy, shabby baggy is going to be in for awhile I think but at
least we will all be in it together.

Don't get too wild Miss Carol!

Enjoy your day!

M : )

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Last year, I had long hair past my waist. One day I decided I was sick of long hair and was going to cut it myself. I looked on you-tube and proceeded to cut my beautiful hair! It was HORRIBLE. So I ended up going in and having my hair cut short for the first time in 25 years!

But I love it. Now my gray hair is all over and my naturally curly hair is how I like it - Wash and go.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Yes, a lot of us are going to come out of this with grey hair.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I need a hair cut badly too and am missing my monthly appointment to get it cut. I'm trying to stay away from the scissors and using my curling iron instead. It helps a little. but not much. still i know the damage I'd do if I pick up the scissors so and not going to do it. No one sees me anyway, so it doesn't matter.