The teeny tiny small appliance I didn't know I needed!
This post may look like a paid advertisement for my new favorite small appliance, the mini waffle maker, but it's not. It's actually an update on my Gas Line Saga. In a quick update for any new readers, the gas for my building has been turned off due to a leak in the pipe supplying the building. It's not clear when we will have gas again. This unfortunate event precipitated my need to reexamine my policy of not buying any new small appliances. In addition to the air fryer, microwave and crock pot that I already owned I am the recipient of an induction burner, loaned to me by A, a friend of my goddaughter. A's building in Lower Manhattan had been without gas for four months last year and she just happened to have an almost new burner to lend. I am also the owner of an electric frying pan and the cute-as-a-button mini waffle maker.
After I got the news about the Gas Saga I gave myself a week to figure out what I needed. The item I decided I needed most was something to make eggs and pancakes that was no more complex than a small frying pan on the stove. About a day later I started to see "chaffles" all over Facebook, cooked in a mini waffle maker. For a nominal amount I bought one and started "chaffling."
The chaffle in its simplest form is a waffle made of cheese and egg and was created as a bread substitute for people who eat Keto. There are now a zillion variations that debate adding almond flour/coconut flour/stevia and on and on. It's low carb and the chaffle gets crispy. I don't think of it as bread, but as a crispy omelet. My basic recipe is one egg, a quarter of a cup of shredded cheese and a teaspoon of Kodiak pancake mix. I also make actual waffles with Kodiak pancake mix and they are quick, crispy and very tasty.
My first chaffle, made with Kodiak pancake mix and
topped with sour cream and strawberries. 
Yes, chaffles can be cooked in a waffle iron, which if you're cooking for more than one person is the way to go. But for me and my mini kitchen, the mini waffle maker is perfect. Has anyone else jumped on the chaffle train?
Once the schools start it always seems like it should be autumn, but the weather in New York doesn't match up. It's still t-shirt time and today was 86 degrees. That is still summer for me. I'm getting back to my usual schedule and enjoyed Weight Watchers and my gym time.
As ever, thanks for visiting and have a great Thursday. A shout out to my blogger buddy Myra at Respice, Prospice with wishes for a very happy anniversary!
I have not heard of these. But they sound delicious, and I am off to Pinterest to look for recipes!!
If my waffle maker hasn't been packed, I may try it this morning.
Buttercup, What will your building do for it gas? They better not give you any gas bills while it's off. I love waffles and have no waffle maker. I need to get one of those mini makers. :) Wishing you a beautiful fall. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
It looks like you have all the needed appliances to get through the next four months. Your cooking creativity will shine through.
Your Chaffle looks pretty yummy.
I've seen savory chaffles and sweet chaffles, but so far, I've not tried either version.
I think you can make just about any meal with your collection of appliances, and I do hope that the building resolves your gas issue soon.
Thanks so much for the shout-out wishes!
That chaffle maker is adorable! 'Sounds like you're underscoring that old saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going!" If our weather doesn't break pretty soon, I'm may try frying eggs in the driveway. :)
Have not heard of these but if they make life easier then I am all about it. HAHA...
I've never seen or heard of a channel before, but it does sound like a handy appliance to have on hand. Glad you are making do without the gas at your apartment. We can adapt to most any situation if we want to and you are doing a very good job of it. Hang in there. Nothing lasts forever.
Opps, Sorry I meant to say a chafe . Auto correct did it I guess. not me.
Chaffle is a word my computer doesn't recognize . I think I got it right this time
I have not heard of these - the mini waffle maker or the chaffles. I learn something new every day! Thanks.
What means "chaffle"? What's the difference between waffle and chaffle?
I think I may get one of these! We haven't had a waffle maker in a long time and a small one would be just the ticket! Hugs!
I have not seen these! I'm going to get one!
<3 Rebecca
WOW, that looks delicious! I knew you would figure out how to live without the gas, you are doing a great job! Have a blessed evening dear friend, HUGS!
What a neat little appliance!
My husband just sent me the link to the recipe. I think he heard about chaffles through the diabetes forum he is on. I need this cute little waffle iron!
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