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(Belatedly) Wedding Wednesday Goes to New Jersey

The groom and wedding guests before the wedding
I'm always on the lookout for wedding moments and never know when I'm going to find them. Last Saturday morning I was at a conference at a hotel in suburban New Jersey. I was listening to a panel discussion on mystery novels when a Baraat -- the procession before a Hindu or Sikh wedding - went past the window in front of me. The panel was interesting, but I had to go outside and see the procession. 
The groom traditionally is led to the site of the wedding on a Ghodi, or white horse. He is accompanied by family, groomsmen and friends, and in this case, Buttercup. The groom was also accompanied by a drone -- top center of the picture -- which was there to capture all of the pre-wedding festivities. I was awed by the beautiful clothes that the guests were wearing. Alas, I didn't get to see the bride. 
It's a beautiful summer day in New York today. I'm feeling very sloth-like, but I'm going to get a few long overdue errands out of the way and then plan a visit to the Metropolitan Museum. What are your plans for the rest of the weekend?  
As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cool!  ï»¿



Ginny Hartzler said...

What a sight this was! Some of those clothes are gorgeous!! The horse is dressed real fancy too. The first thing I noticed was the drone. Wish I could go to the museum with you. Wonder if they allow cell phone cameras?

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You see so many amazing things there in the big city. We went for a drive this morning and now I'll take it easy. Watch some football! lol Hugs!

Chatty Crone said...

That is one thing that is so cool and wonderful about New York City - and the wonderful thing is you live there - not like you are at a hotel or something - you can see anything anytime! Loved it.

Susie said...

Carol, I swear there's always something interesting going on around you. I would have loved seeing that wedding. I plan to relax this weekend, too many mornings getting up at 5 . Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Laurel Wood said...

The groom and the horse are amazing and such colorful clothes the guests are wearing. My brother (in CA) has a drone and captures some lovely videos to share with me. Makes me feel like I am part of his day with his grandchildren and where they have visited. I made my weekly trip to Walmart and parked beside a meticulously restored 1930 era Plymouth painted canary yellow. An older gentleman and his tiny chihuahua were waiting for someone and I enjoyed chatting for a moment.
When I was younger and hiked many waterfalls in n. GA, I would often see weddings beside the waterfalls. That was always a thrill!
Have an enjoyable rest of the weekend.

Theresa said...

Beautiful! I love weddings! We will be attending one next month and I look forward to seeing all of my grandkids and Great-granddaughter all gussied up:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That was quite an usual wedding group. Makes me wonder if the bride had a horse too. It's a quite weekend for me as usual. I go to Sunday morning church services and them home for relaxing afternoon wiatching a movie or reding a book. The weather is beautiful so I'll probably be on the sunporch . We're had some perfect summer weather this past week and got to get outside to enjoy it.

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