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The Journey of Five Hundred Miles

2019 is the year for the journey of 500 miles
For the last two years I've taken the journey of 1000 miles. In each year I've walked over 1,000 miles. This averages out to approximately 2.8 miles a day. I've tracked my mileage each month and have been pleased to pass the 1,000 mile mark in both 2017 and 2018. I've walked my miles on three continents and in five countries. What started as a Weight Watchers challenge became my fitness pleasure and structure. 
I knew 2019 was most likely not going to be a journey of 1,000 miles. I had my right hip replaced in January and I barely walked a mile a day in the month following. I'm making a good recovery, but my daily average is closer to two miles a day. I overdid it in my first few months and developed tendinitis, which slowed me down a lot. The tendinitis pain is (mostly) gone, but comes back on days when I push myself too hard. I'd hoped to be totally back to where I was before my surgery, but that's just not my reality. 2019 will be the year for a journey of 500 or 600 or 700 miles, and I will be grateful for whatever my final number will be.
As the years have passed I've learned that exercise and vegetables are my best friends. I was never a gym fan, but I've found a number of things that I like to do. Besides walking I enjoy chair Yoga at the local Y and strength training. I 'm not always in the mood to do them, but I always like the results and how I feel after my sessions. Last week I added water aerobics for seniors with arthritis. It's been on my list of things "to do sometime" for the last year and I'm glad my friends from Yoga class pushed me. It's great exercise and I've found I can follow the session with swimming laps. I'm also optimistic that the water aerobics will help with strengthening my hip muscles. Is anyone else a fan of water aerobics?
 I'm waiting for the Ark to arrive any day. We've had more rain in the last month than I can remember for a long time. I hoped to share some pretty May photographs, but instead I give you Broadway on a rainy May day. 
 Looking North on Broadway, Lincoln Center to the left
Looking South on Broadway, Dante Park
I'm starting to get ready for my next adventure in the 2019 Journey of 500 Miles. It involves luggage tags, Dramamine and warm sweaters and yes, an umbrella. Please stop by for my next blog post and adventure reveal. 
As ever, thanks for visiting. Stay dry, take care and have a great Wednesday!  ï»¿


Theresa said...

I admire you for sticking with it even after surgery. One step at a time dear friend:) I can't wait to hear where your next big adventure takes you! Have a blessed day and keep the umbrella handy and sunglasses too just in case the sun pops out! HUGS!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I have no doubt that you will be able to do 1000 miles again. It takes time and patience to recover from major surgery and it cannot be rushed. My money is on you, Carol.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You just have to be thankful for what you can do. I think you've made an amazing recovery and hope it only gets better for you from here on out. Slow and easy is my motto. I may not be able to accomplish great things, but surely slowly it all gets doneI I'm excited to hear about the journey reveal! For a change, we're to have s sunny day here in Ohio...there is hope!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You’ve made great choices, and have a great mindset regarding exercise! It’s inspiring!


you are doing remarkably well on your mileage goal given your hip replacement.

Little Wandering Wren said...

Yay for you. What do they say a journey of 1,000 miles starts with a single step!
Looking forward to your next adventures!
Wren x