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Blue Skies Smiling At Me Pink Saturday

Blue skies smiling at me and smiling at all of Manhattan!
We had glorious weather this entire weekend. G.L.O.R.I.O.U.S.
One of my favorite places in Manhattan is the walk along the Hudson River in Lower Manhattan, and that was exactly where I spent Saturday afternoon. I drank iced coffee, I read a magazine, I walked and I took lots of pictures. Here are some of my favorites. 
 World Cup, 2018
I started my Pink Saturday good times with a lunch at one of my favorite places in Lower Manhattan, George's. I found myself right in front of the television set watching Canada play Denmark in this year's World Cup Soccer games. I played soccer for two years in gym in high school -- a little known fact -- and I enjoy watching soccer a lot. The front windows of the restaurant were open and I enjoyed my lunch and the soft breeze while I watched the game. I might have sat there longer, but the beautiful day called me.

On my way to the river front I passed the Liberty Community Garden, for residents of Battery Park City. The garden was in full flower. It sits directly next to the West Side Highway, which carries streams of traffic up and down the west side of Manhattan.
Retrievers by the river!
I met these two good looking pups as I walked along the Hudson. It's one of my favorite walks and well shaded for a sunny afternoon. In the far background is New Jersey and the near background is the marina at the World Financial Center.
Nowhere I would rather be on a sunny afternoon than the marina at the World Financial Center.
I continued the afternoon with shoe shopping -- no luck! -- shampoo buying and a subway trip home. What were your activities this weekend? I hope happy times/happy memories on this Father's Day were part of your schedule.  
As ever, thanks for visiting and wishes for a wonderful week.


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