This sweet little printer may have cured my technophobia.
Yes, friends, technophobia is a real phobia. It's no different than Acrophobia, the fear of heights or the fear of spiders, Arachnophobia. It's not a new phobia, and it can be traced back to the start of the Industrial era. I never thought of myself as a technophobe until I retired. When I had computer/printer issues at work the wonderful Darren came to my assistance. But since I retired almost five years ago it's me and my computer/tablet/cellphone/printer.
I got my computer and my last printer up and running myself, but I remember it being difficult and a big chore and I've dreaded doing it again. But over the weekend I got a weird message on my printer and I was forced to confront my tech anxieties. After following the online directions at least twenty times I realized that my printhead -- a key printer component -- was totally done. A new printhead was $80. -- maybe less if I spent hours searching for a better price -- and a new printer was less than $100. I opted for a new printer. The lesson I learned from trying to fix my printer was that I needed a lighter and smaller printer. It was too cumbersome to lift my big printer.
The terrific sales person at Best Buy assured me that the printer he recommended was easier to set up than the one I had. I was skeptical at best, but I needed a printer yesterday for my appointment with my accountant today. Michael at Best Buy was absolutely right. The most difficult part of the process was taking the printer home on a crowded bus. In less than a half hour my new printer was up and printing and not a tear had been shed in the process. I'm not sure I'm entirely over my phobia, but the thought of a new computer doesn't fill me with dread anymore.
Do you know the most common phobia? I've come across several answers while doing my research, but the one that seems to be the most prevalent is public speaking. It comes before fear of death, flying and enclosed spaces.
Grand Central Station and the Chrysler Building

I took this picture after my appointment this afternoon. It doesn't have anything to do with the post, but for the fans of New York architecture I wanted to share a photograph from one of my walks in Manhattan. It was a cold and gray day, but it was still walking weather. We're waiting for what has been forecast as a winter snow with a foot of snow. Mother Nature, that's not the way to start the spring!
As ever, thanks for visiting. Friends in the path of the storm, stay cozy. Everyone else, enjoy the spring weather. 

Good for you! It is hard to keep up with technology as it changes on a daily basis. I am not afraid of public speaking as I had to make presentations when I worked, but I am very afraid of heights.
Public speaking doesn't bother me. Anything computer related does. When my iMac crashed a few year's ago, my husband hurried over to Apple and purchased another one. Then I called our computer guru and asked him to come set it up. He arrived, opened the box, plugged it in and said "there you go"!! What? Where's the "tower", the discs, the manuals?? "None, none and none." Now the printer, that might be another story!!
My problem is I don't want to read ALL of the directions when I buy something new:) It amazes me that printers are SO inexpensive vs the price of the ink. Hope your new one serves you well! Enjoy your day in your beautiful city, HUGS!
I love that photo of the buildings...just gorgeous! And I hate to even THINK about trying to print from my net book. There are always tears...or bad words! hahaha!
I have that phobia and can rarely set anything up myself. Thankfully I have a sons that are a big help. Congrats on a job well done. Best Buy is a great place to go and usually they offer some good advice too. We have snow here today but I see that east of us will have it much worse. Take care. Stay warm and safe.
Carol, I get a big lump in my tummy whenever I have computer problems. I just get angry. I also hate when windows think I want updates or some such thing. I manage with what I have and am no where near smart enough to need more. LOL. Glad you did so well with your new printer...and you are so right, it's cheaper to buy a new one than repair one. Stay safe and warm, my friend. We just got less than an inch of snow and it will melt soon. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
I do remember that sinking feeling when you press print and nothing happens! We don't have a printer these days, which can be a problem but most things we just do direct from our smartphones. But in fact we are almost ready to give up the home phone as everyone uses their mobile. If we all live long enough we will have done away with loads of the technology that is giving us grief and then we can all avoid being a technophobes!!! I am loving that one where your fingerprint unlocks accounts on the phone and saves you remembering passwords...
Wren x
I hate setting up things all techie and I'm lucky to have my husband and daughter help out with those things. I love the photos of Grand Central and the Chrysler Building. When ever I am in the city I'm always in a rush and never have time for photo taking it seems. Next time I'm there in whatever area I will take some pictures. We should meet up sometime in the city for coffee or lunch.
Thanks for the sweet comment on the cowl I made. It was perfect to wear for me shoveling the snow this morning.
I hope you stay inside today and will be warm. Take care.
Julie xo
I am one of the rare ones. I earned my living speaking before groups. And loved my job. The technophobia? I'm actually pretty decent with lots of it, when you factor in my age. But I remember. years ago keeping a cell phone for way too long because I had finally figured out how to use it and I didn't want to go through that learning curve again. When it died and I was forced to get a new one, I could have kicked myself---the newer phones were LIGHTYEARS more user friendly. And I had stuck with the difficult old phone because I was afraid. Lesson learned. (Also learned that not every newer model is easier.)
I am scared like you - my hubs knows it all - if something happened i would have to get the Geek Squad or something.
So thankful you had a knowledgeable and kind salesperson and got the printer running. That is a lovely photo from your walk. We have snow flurries in GA today - what a spring! lol
Cool photo! I tend to be more word oriented, so I can follow instructions for setting things up as long as they're in words and not pictures! And just the thought of public speaking...shudder!
These days it seems like it's usually cheaper to replace something than it is to fix it. I'm ok with setting things up. It's when things go wrong and I have to figure out what the problem is that I start to get crazy.
Great with the printer, Carol! Ours was easy to set up also. I love architecture pics and this one is great with old and modern. Hope all is well your way with the snow!
congratulations on setting the printer up. sounds like a job well done. i would have went in panic mode.
Were you given the option of signing up for the HP "Ink" plan? I pay $5 a month (if I print less than 100 pages which I do). My printer has to be connected to the internet which it is through my computer and also is wireless internet.
They monitor my ink supply and when it runs low, they send a cartridge automatically. The ink has lasted well and they are very good to send it well before I need it. It seems cheaper than buying it when you need it. We bought the HP Envy 5660 close to five years ago when I retired. I do like my printer a lot. My computer has the ability to crop scanned pictures BEFORE they are scanned so that is a bonus, too - - that I have more options than what the printer gives me.
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