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All That Remains Are the Memories and the Books: BookExpo 2017

First thing in the morning at BookExpo. It's still calm and quiet. 
One of my favorite events of the year is BookExpo, the annual trade event of the publishing industry. I'm not a bookseller/publisher/librarian, but thankfully there is a place for the blogger who writes about books. I found a warm welcome from the publishers and authors I met who appreciate readers and those who share their thoughts about books. I'm looking forward to sharing the books I discovered at BookExpo and a few giveaways from publishers. 
This is a more accurate depiction of the floor at BookExpo. It's no longer calm or quiet the last afternoon of the show. There are long lines for well-know authors and the crowds start forming over an hour before a major book signing. My rule is not to wait in line to get an author's signature. If there are a dozen people in front of me, count me in. If there are a hundred, no thanks. Despite my line reluctance, I still had the good fortune to meet a number of authors whose work I admire. ï»¿
One of my favorite writers is Amy Tan -- author most memorably for me of "The Joy Luck Club. She was signing copies of an excerpt of her memoir, "Where the Past Begins," scheduled for publication in October. The line was short and I was thrilled to meet her.

I like Nelson DeMille's thrillers, but the line to meet him went around the publishers section. I settled for a photograph and will rely on the library for a copy of the book.

I did line up to meet Colleen Hoover. I have a number of friends who are tremendous fans of her work, and I knew they would enjoy this photograph.

This is a small selection of the photographs and books that are part of my BookExpo memories. There will be several more book-related posts in June.

The whirlwind of reunion, BookExpo and the beautiful graduation (and party) I attended on Saturday have totally tired me out. I did get in my walk yesterday and today, grocery shopped and worked on my hundreds of photographs, but barely crossed anything else off my endless to-do list. I'm hoping to have more energy as the week goes on and make some order out of the chaos of my apartment. There are books everywhere!

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care.


Terra said...

Books everywhere in your apartment, I would feel right at home there. How wonderful you live in NYC and can see Expo each year and see some favorite authors in person.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Glad you had an enjoyable and productive outing!
Visit me @ Life & Faith in Caneyhead. 😉


books books everywhere. what a glorious place. those books must have been heavy to trek home with. glad you got to meet a few of your favorite authors.

Crystal Collier said...

When I read the title of your blog, I felt tired on your behalf. What a fun event! That's one of those I'd love to hit one day. One day. LOL. Story of my life. ;)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Books are wonderful and that would be a great way to spend a day! You've certainly had some busy days and wonderful ones!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How wonderful to see so many of the popular authors and meet some of your favorites. That would be exciting for me too! Hugs!

Mimi said...

That looks like major fun! I read The Joy Luck Club back in the day. How exciting to meet the author.

Dee said...

Dear Carol, what a treat to see all those authors and their new books! But as you say in your finally paragraph, all that excitement depletes us and our energy wanes. So rest up and then sort those photographs and write your posts. I so look forward to learning about the new books. Peace.

Melinda said...

My blog friends sure are busy gals right now.

Enjoy your weekend!

M : )

Susie said...

Carol, What a glorious time you had. I love Amy Tan. It's hard to be around books and not want to bring some home for me. Blessings, xoxo, Susie