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Federal Hall: When New York City Was the Capital of the United States

Federal Hall, 26 Wall Street
We're going back in time to the beginning of U.S. government. After the Revolutionary War New York City is the capital. Later the capital moves to  Philadelphia and then Washington, D.C. The Continental Congress and then the first Congress of the new nation meet in what was then the City Hall for New York City, Federal Hall. The Bill of Rights was written here and George Washington was inaugurated here as the first president of the new nation on April 30, 1789. It is now run by the National Park Service and is so worth a visit. One of the highlights of visiting Federal Hall is seeing the Bible that Washington swore his oath of office when he was inaugurated. 
This structure, however, isn't the building that was on the site for the events I've mentioned. City Hall -- which needed more space -- was torn down and built approximately a half mile north. A Customs House was built here, which later became a US sub-treasury and gold and silver were stored in its basement vaults.    ï»¿

The New York Stock Exchange
After your visit to Federal Hall, look to your right and you will see the New York Stock Exchange, at the corner of Broad Street and Wall Street. 

We continue our walk through FiDi -- Financial District -- to Fraunces Tavern. Founded in 1762, the Sons of Liberty met here before the war. Washington bid farewell to his officers here in 1783 and the reception for Washington's inauguration was held here in 1789. Fraunces Tavern is a great place for lunch or dinner or just some liquid refreshment, with a selection of 140 craft beers available. There is also a museum attached to the restaurant.

This is one of my favorite parts of New York City. I worked just a few blocks from Fraunces Tavern for five years and spent many lunch hours exploring the history of the area.

It's a bright and beautiful Sunday in New York. I'm going out to enjoy the day and do research for "P is for Pizza," an  A to Z Blogging Challenge post for later this month. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and enjoy the spring.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sometimes we forget that NYC was the first US capitol. I appreciated the mini history lesson as well as the pictures of all the sights. It's beautiful in Ohio today too.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Your picture of the stock exchange is awesome.

It was a beautiful day in Pennsylvania also. Tomorrow summer weather is coming our way.


LOVELY photos. Fascinating history.

Terra said...

Some of these facts are new to me and it is shocking that the original building was torn down. We need to preserve our history and historical buildings.