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Brooklyn and Beyond

The view of Manhattan from the Promenade, Brooklyn Heights
For our second day of Blogging from A to Z we're going to Brooklyn. When many visitors think of New York City they think of Manhattan, and only Manhattan. But New York City consists of five boroughs, Manhattan (New York County), Staten Island (Richmond County), the Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn (Kings County). It wasn't until 1898 that the City of New York as we know it today was established. Before that time the city had a very different configuration. Brooklyn is the largest borough in population, with Queens right behind.   ï»¿

Another view from the Promenade. The Brooklyn Bridge (1883) is in the forefront and the Empire State Building is in the right background. 
If you're in Lower Manhattan visiting Brooklyn is as close as walking across the Brooklyn Bridge or traveling one subway stop. From Bowling Green in Manhattan to Brooklyn Borough Hall is a ten minute trip and so worthwhile. I took these two photographs after walking ten minutes from the subway. Some of the houses I passed on my walk date from the 1830's. I love Lower Manhattan and the bustle of Midtown, but there is a charm and grace to the quiet streets of this beautiful and historic neighborhood.
These brownstones on Willow Street were built in the 1830's.

During my walk in Brooklyn Heights I discovered this marker. It commemorates George Washington's headquarters during the Battle of "Long Island." But in Brooklyn, it's known as the Battle of Brooklyn.

There are many interesting neighborhoods in Brooklyn and each one has historic and culinary sights. I chose Brooklyn Heights for the fabulous views from the Promenade and the easy access to Manhattan. But if you have additional time in your visiting schedule I'd strongly suggest choosing another neighborhood and enjoying the sights of New York beyond Manhattan.
One of my favorite bakeries in New York City is Bien Cuit. It is in the equally walkable neighborhood of Boerum Hill, and produces some of the best bread anywhere. It also has excellent coffee and a charming garden area, which is a perfect place to enjoy the baked treats you will be unable to resist.
I hope I've lured you across the bridge to enjoy a visit to Brooklyn. We'll be returning tomorrow when we visit some of my favorite places in New York City at Christmas.

As ever, thanks for visiting!


Melinda said...

Love the Brownstones and that bread
looks so yummy.

M : )


We were just talking about Brownstones in Manhattan where some of my husbands family lived in the 1800's. And you have some pictured. Imagine that? The bread looks tasty indeed.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a fascinating city you live in! I enjoyed the view for today!

lissa said...

I had walked the brooklyn bridge many times and it's a long walk, but it's worth the time - for the view and the taking photos of course. brooklyn is definitely quieter than manhattan

seeing the bread image somehow always makes me think of brooklyn somehow, don't know why

have a lovely day.

my C post

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

The Brownstones are lovely and probably unaffordable for most of us. I would love to see the inside.