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Pink Sky Pink Saturday

The photograph that inspired this post. The pink sky is perfect for Pink Saturday. I took this picture looking west at Christopher Street towards the Hudson River. ï»¿

To my somewhat complete amazement it's getting close to the end of the year. I think I blinked and the days flew from August to November. I put together a list of things to do for Christmas and Chanukah last week and I'm beginning to think about places to visit to take pictures for end of the year blog posts. I realize I've skipped a number of posts I intended to write -- coffee especially has been neglected -- but I'm also glad that life is filled with many things I want to write about. One thing I've accomplished is to get up and walk just about every day. Some days I know where I will be going and some days it's much more random. Today's plan was semi-random. I was heading downtown to pick up some socks I saw last week. The socks were sold out, but I had a fabulous walk from Tribeca in Lower Manhattan to West 19th Street in Chelsea.  

I try to pick a new route for every walk. I would have thought that after forty plus years in Manhattan there wouldn't be many new routes, but I've found places I don't think I've ever walked before, or at least not in several decades. The city changes and I'm just catching up on many of the changes. Today I walked much further west than usual and walked up Greenwich Street. I was only several blocks from the Hudson River and this building housed warehouses in the more robust shipping era of the nineteenth century.

While I was in Lower Manhattan -- at Church Street looking southeast -- I looked up and saw this combination of architectural styles from the last two centuries in one glance. The area where I was walking still has many blocks of nineteenth century buildings and the cobblestone streets to go with them. Though I know change is inevitable I appreciate preservation and especially enjoy my walks through areas with the most buildings from "older" New York.

It was twilight as I got to this Greenwich Village playground and found the Empire State Building lit for the evening in the distance. I was about a mile away, but the Empire State Building looks so much closer. 

It's a pleasure to actually do my Pink Saturday blog post on Saturday. I hope everyone had a day as pleasant as mine and wishes for a very happy Sunday. Thanks for visiting!



Theresa said...

Beautiful sky! Enjoy your daily walks. Hugs

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Walking is such good exercise and you certainly had a long one. I can only imagine the sights you get to see along the way but I do appreciate the ones you show. Even here in my small town in Ohio, things are constantly changing and view is a bit different every day, Especially right now with all the leaves falling. Happy Sunday !

Linda said...

Your so brave to walk the 'hood (smiles), Carol. Smiles---have a beautiful day friend.

Paula said...

Beautiful capture of the sky!

Anonymous said...

Good for you walking and trying out new areas. I certainly enjoy the view/architecture. What a pretty pink sky too.