In just a few hours the year 5777 will begin. My tzimmes -- root vegetable casserole -- is once again baking in the oven. And as I did last year and will most likely do next year -- if the opportunity presents itself -- my thoughts go to family and friends. Some I can no longer send greetings to and others are no further than a phone call or text message.

I spent time this morning looking through my grandmother's collection of greeting cards. Most were sent between 1910 and 1920 and they are well loved and well worn. My grandmother looked through them often, remembering her young life and the family and friends who filled it. I doubt if any museum would be interested in the collection. They are torn, stained and discolored through decades of handling. But they are as precious to me as any of the treasures I saw at the Metropolitan Museum.
As I've shared before, my mind wanders during the next two days of services. I've found bringing a list of prayer requests with me helps me focus and to remember my friends and family. Please feel free to leave a request in the comments and I will be honored to add you to my prayer list for 5777.
May 5777 bring peace to our hearts, peace to our homes and peace to our world.
How lovely that you have this precious keepsake of your Grandmother's. Have a wonderful holiday, and a great 5777.
And please share your tsimmis recipe!!
I'd be honored to have your tsimmis recipe!
Happy New Year! What a long and rich tradition.
Happy New Year to you I didn't realize it was that time of year once again. What a wonderful tradition for you and I'd be blessed if you'd include me in your list of prayers. So many changes happening here right now. May the new your bring peace to you.
I have a collection of old cards too! They are priceless! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
Happy New Year, Carol.
Beautiful old card, and what sweet memories of your Grandma.
Have a blessed day.
What a lovely collection. I kept a few of the cards from my mother in law's collection. I would love it if you pray for wisdom and protection for my grandson Darian!
Happy new year...thanks for sharing a sampling of the beautiful card collection! Such wonderful memories.
May you have the same Carol.
Thanks for keeping all of us in your prayers.
M : )
Carol, Happy new year. I loved knowing you have your grandmother's cards. Wish you would do a post of knowing your grandmother in your youth. I never remember seeing any grandparents when I was small. My guardian angel was like a grandmother to me and I miss that dear sweet lady. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
Those cards of your grandma's are priceless, and I hope they stay in your family for future generations. That prayer meeting is a great way of celebrating 5777.
Your grandmother's card collection is very lovely. I love having memories like that around me. So comforting and makes me smile a lot.
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