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(Very Belated) Monkey Monday

I know it's Wednesday and late on Wednesday, but I didn't want to skip my Monkey Monday post, even though it's just about Thursday. During our visit to the Amazon area I had the opportunity to visit Monkey Island, a rehab center for monkeys and other animals of the region. Most of the animals have been orphaned, but I also met an anaconda who had been injured by a boat motor and was being nursed back to health at Monkey Island.

I was very excited by my visit, but quickly realized that these were real monkeys. They are not Pepe and they are cheeky little primates. Per our guide I removed my earrings and watch before we arrived. Monkeys are fascinated by shiny gold, even when it's not really gold.

 The monkeys are playing with a coati, who is related to the raccoon family.
These two monkeys were enjoying a little swing time...
...As is this little monkey.
There were also beautiful macaws. The Amazon River is the background.
It wouldn't be a visit to Monkey Island without getting to know the residents. I enjoyed my meeting a lot, but realize as sweet as he is, his hygiene (or lack of it) wouldn't work in an apartment. As much as I was tempted I knew my monkey friend would be happier staying in the Amazon.
Even though it's only a week I feel like I've been back from vacation for a lot longer. One of the few things I need to catch up on are my photographs. I'm still learning how to use both my iPhone and my iPad and despite taking two classes at the Apple Store I have more questions than answers. There are still a number of photographs and adventures I want to share, and several -- at least -- more posts to come.
As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care.  ï»¿


Nellie said...

It is so exciting that you were able to take a trip to Peru! Those monkeys are very entertaining!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

What a fun day that must have been!

Terra said...

Looks like fun.

Unknown said...

Pepe might be very jealous if you brought a monkey home.

Paula said...

What a sweet picture of you and the monkey. We had 2 monkeys when I was growing up...a spider monkey and a small chimp. They were fun. But messy and the spider monkey could be mean. We didn't keep them very long!!

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

I'm terrified of monkeys! I don't dislike them, and certainly want them free and not in laboratories, but would be scared to have a real one near me! You're brave, m'dear!

The parrots are so colorful! My ex has various parrots and I understand they are incredibly intelligent.

Susie said...

Kudos to you , brave girl. I would not want to touch or be touched by any monkeys. I like them in a cage. LOL. They can be mean, that's why. I know you must be having a blast there. Blessings, be safe, xoxo,Susie