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Brooklyn Pink Saturday

Not too long ago Pink Saturday became Anything Goes Pink Saturday. I try to stick with finding pink items to photograph, but when the only pink things I can find in New York City are Valentine decorations -- which I'm saving for next week --  I appreciate the flexibility. Since anything goes, we're going to Brooklyn for this week's fun.

From the Brooklyn Promenade looking out to the Statue of Liberty, out in the harbor. ï»¿

When many people think of New York City, they think of Times Square and Central Park, which are in Manhattan. But there are five boroughs that comprise the City of New York, and just over the Brooklyn Bridge is the Borough of Coney Island, infinite neighborhoods and languages and some of the most beautiful streets in America.

I began my Brooklyn day with brunch at French Louie in Downtown Brooklyn. The food was delicious and I especially liked the view of the backyard and brownstones. One small mound of snow remained from the blizzard.

I walked through the neighborhoods of Boerum Hill, Cobble Hill and Brooklyn Heights. Many of the buildings were built in the Nineteenth Century and despite being almost directly across the Brooklyn Bridge from the Financial District, these are some of the quietest residential blocks anywhere.

The house is the Robert White House, one of the oldest homes in Brooklyn, built in 1825. The Brooklyn Bridge wasn't built until 1883. 

 The last part of the walk was through Brooklyn Heights and down the Promenade. The Promenade runs along the water and above the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway and I think, gives the best view of Manhattan and the harbor. The day was warm, the view was beautiful and the sun was shining on Brooklyn.

 The view of Manhattan from Brooklyn
The Freedom Tower is on the far left, the Brooklyn Bridge (built in 1883 is in the center towards the right of the picture, and the Empire State Building is on the right in the far distance. 

I hope you've enjoyed our visit to Brooklyn. I made one stop in Brooklyn Heights that I think deserves its own post and I will be back tomorrow for a visit to Plymouth Church.

As ever, thanks for visiting and have a terrific Superbowl Sunday.


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I was recently reading an article about the real estate in Brooklyn and was surprised at how expensive housing is there. Brooklyn has become the "place to live" and your pictures explain why.

Kerin said...

Thanks so much for the arm~chair tour :)
I very much enjoyed seeing the area, old homes, and reading the links that you provided.

Have a great day!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I enjoyed the walk and thank you for taking us along. Looks like a beautiful day!

Linda said...

That was pretty cool...thanks for the smiles. Blessings

Denise said...

Lovely. Thanks for sharing.

Mimi said...

My daughter has a trip to Brooklyn coming up next month. I'm passing this blog post along to her.

Lonni said...

Great tour!
Looking forwarding to experiencing it someday!
(Pepe said it's a "must do")

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

I had no idea that New York is so varied. What an incredible country we live in!

Ruth said...

I enjoyed the brooklyntour so much. Thanks. I hope, that I can see New York one day. I've never been there before.
Greetings from germany.

Pondside said...

Thank you, I enjoyed that very much. I especially like the window boxes on the Robert White house - gorgeous!

Susie said...

Buttercup, Thank you so much for this post. I would love to know all about NYC and all the Broughs. Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

As a once lifelong Brooklyn resident and blogger, you know I loved your photos Carol. I look back on my Brooklyn posts from time to time with nostalgia. I'm now loving life in the west, however, and I'm seeing nature up close and personal as I never thought I would. Looking forward to more Brooklyn posts

Paula said...

Thank you for taking me along on your walk through Brooklyn!