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Valentine's Day Is Just Around the Corner

Just around the corner in Brooklyn...
Though there were a few days when I was stuck in the snow, January has flown by. In a blink and a nod it will be Valentine's Day and for the sixth year I am participating in a card-making event for the Childrens' Hospital of Kansas City. Our dear blog buddy, Melinda of Country Dreams  is organizing bloggers to make and donate cards for the children who will be in the hospital during Valentine's Day. I'm not especially crafty, but I so enjoy getting out all of my hearts and rhinestones to put together cards that will brighten the day for children who are hospitalized. Just click the link and you will find all of the details, and if you haven't met Melinda yet, you're in for a treat. She's a honey!
Thanks all, who left sweet comments on my blogaversary post. Books will be going in the mail to: Susan,  ï»¿Anne at Stuff and Nonsense, and my blogger buddy at Starting Over, Accepting Change. I will be in touch with all of you to get addresses. This wouldn't be a blog without the wonderful Citizens of Buttercupland. Again, many thanks and a big hug!

I had a wonderful long walk through three neighborhoods in Brooklyn today and took lots of pictures, including the one above of a candy store window. I'll be doing a longer post later in the week with some of my favorite pictures. It's going to be difficult to pick, there was beautiful light and so many interesting spots. I may have to do two posts. or maybe even three.

As ever, thanks for visiting. Now it's time to finish my lovely Sunday with Downton Abbey and my new favorite, Mercy Street. Wishes to all for a great week. 


Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Congrats to the lucky winners!

Mercy Street? I will have to check that out, as I love Downton Abbey and most of the British shows!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I look forward to seeing your Brooklyn photos, Carol! Have you been on the Green-Wood Cemetery tour as yet? Go in Spring when the trees are in bloom--so lovely then! I have not begun to watch Mercy Street as yet. I'll have to look into it. Isn't it about US Civil War times?

Mimi said...

Downton Abby. What are we going to do when it ends?

Paula said...

It would be so much fun to walk with you! You have such interesting stores to see. I love the picture of the candy store! Have a great week

Kerin said...

January just flew by! It's hard to believe that we are already into February.
Looking forward to reading your new post :)


p.s Congrats to the winner!

Melinda said...

Thanks for the shout out about the card shower.
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with this year!

Thank you for the sweet compliments too!

M : )

Susie said...

Buttercup, No matter how old we get, it's so much fun to look in the candy store window. Some times it's fun to buy a piece or two also. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I love New York! I was born there and spent the first 16 years of my life there. Even though I have lived in PA for most of my life, I identify myself as a New York lady. I think I have gotten rid of my NY accent, but there are times when my past comes out, especially after a glass of Pino. I love your blog because I can visit with a New Yorker and see pictures of the city I love.

I am very happy to have been one of the winners of your blogaversary. Thank you so much and I will put that cook book to good use.

Thank you so much.

Arleen (Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe.)