I've been resistant to the Powerball mania that's been sweeping the country. I did spend a half hour last week with my friend, Mary, discussing what we would do with six hundred million, if we won. I think I had a list that was similar to a lot of people. I'd like a bigger apartment -- just another bedroom would be fine -- in a building with a swimming pool. I'd like a trainer three times a week and I'd buy a vacation house for my cousins in Rhode Island. I'd give a lot to charity, starting with my college and my synagogue. I didn't want anything I'd have to maintain -- a brownstone building or a villa in Italy -- but I'd love to rent a suite at an elegant hotel in London for a few weeks. What I realized was I liked my life and with just a few tweaks I could come pretty close to my lottery dreams.
When I was walking home from the grocery this afternoon this sign called out to me...
Buy a ticket, it called. And so I did, from a newsstand very much like this one.
I am now the owner -- like at least half of the United States -- of one Powerball ticket. I'm aware of the odds and have no expectation of becoming a multizillionaire tonight. But I also realize that I can make the tweaks I've been thinking about. I might not reserve a suite in London, but I might find a B&B in Bath and spend a week visiting a city I love. I might work with a trainer for a month and see if it improved my fitness and I might donate to a few charities whose work I support. None of these are the stuff of Powerball dreams, but they are all actually doable. I may not win Powerball tonight, but I'm delighted that the two dollars is money well spent figuring out a few things that might/will make me happy. Thanks, Powerball!
What are your Powerball dreams? Are you a ticket holder?
It's been a nice day. I went to my Weight Watchers meeting this morning and walked home, stopping at a fruit and vegetable stand and to buy a new shower curtain. Nothing exotic, but the fresh air felt great and I've kept my resolve to walk at least a mile every day this month. I hope you've had a wonderful Wednesday, too.
As ever thanks for visiting and keep cozy!

I did not buy a ticket but I was tempted. Like you I don't want or need a lot of changes in my life but I could come up with a few changes plus gifts to loved ones and charities.
Hi, Buttercup! No, we haven't ever bought a ticket. I've actually no idea where to go to buy one.:-) You know, you have a chance of being the "lucky one!"
Fellow blogger Sparky and I have been discussing this...we bought 2 tickets...we only play when it gets above $50-80 million. ANYWAYS--sure, caught up in the mania...the what ifs etc...scary thought, eh? Many Blessings to you sweet friend. (how's Pepe? giggling---do I dare ask?)
Hi carol, it seems like a Chino Hills, California store sold the winner! I always thought if I won I would give back especially to the schools that helped us during difficult times and I would help many people who I love and care for. Alas, not to be. But I am like you, I don't need things to maintain. It would sure be fun though to help all my kids and friends and phamily too. Ah.....maybe another time. I am happy I stopped by. Hugs to you today and always.
It's fun to dream, isn't it?
I haven't checked the numbers on my tickets yet though from the news I know I am not a big winner. But I like the idea of a suite at Claridge's for a week.
They say you can't win unless you buy a ticket so I did it too. It's just fun and I never win, but when the jackpot gets this big, we all like to dream.
Well, I didn't win but I love the life I have, so I am good:) Enjoy your day dear friend, hugs!
I did not play. Like you, I'm pretty happy with my life as it is. Even if I had more money, I doubt I would live differently. It's nice to feel that way, eh?
We don't normally buy lottery tickets. (Think this was the second time ever.) We didn't win either--well, I did win $4 because I matched the Powerball number--but we decided that for a few dollars, we had been quite entertained talking about what we would do if we won. Like you, we didn't come up with any huge plans. I'm pretty content with life.
Oh yes, we played - and didn't win. But we did win the price of the tickets bc of the "power ball" being 10 - we usually play "10" as the power ball.
We also played but didn't win. I would have loved to see Ship Bottom, NJ as one of the winning cities. I thought it was fun to dream, however!
I would never want to win all that money the powerball. However, a million or two might be nice.
Buttercup, I like this post. Ted and I talked about what if...I said after we made all our children millionaires and got everyone a new car( I have dreams of being Oprah.) Then I wanted to help fix things in our hometown. Like the theater(Movie) ...the family that owns it has always kept the prices low( I think it's 5 dollars a ticket) and give free shows at Easter and Christmas to all kids. It is funny when it comes down to it....how people really want to help others and donate. Blessings for a fun weekend. That big lottery has come and gone. xoxo,Susie
We too bought tickets. Amazingly, we know the people who won a big piece of the pie. When I watched the press conference the question was asked, "Do you feel relief?" and they answered "No, more stress," I began to pray for them. Money changes everything, a lot of money changes everything in a lot of ways. It is fun to dream about what you would do with the money. Now I know people who are living in the reality. Pray for them.
I actually didn't play even though I was tempted. I think if I ever came into money like that, though, I would give most of it away. That was more money than one person would ever need and there's a lot of people in this world that could use a helping hand.
I hope you're having a lovely weekend... :)
Mike Tyson Says This Man is a LEGEND
Hey there,
You gotta see this... Richard Lustig won the lottery so many times that even Mike Tyson is even hanging out with this guy.
That's right... Mike Tyson was pictured with Richard Lustig multiple times, the world's only 7 time lotto game grand prize winner.
The word is.. Richard is personally coaching Mike Tyson how to win the lotto multiple times like he did.
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All the best
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