As I type this post, I hear the television in the background and the sound of the bells of St. Patrick's Cathedral. Pope Francis has arrived in New York City and it feels that the entire city has come out to greet him. There is so much excitement for this visit.
The fencing and police barricades at Central Park were already in place this afternoon.
There is also a lot of planning for this visit. One of my job responsibilities was working on city-wide special events and one of my most favorite events was being part of the transportation planning when Pope Benedict visited in 2008. I didn't meet the Pope or even come close to meeting him, but I was happy in a very small way to be able to make his visit go smoothly. I wasn't surprised to see the level of detail needed for this visit. I'm sure planning began the moment travel plans were announced, and they are massive, including the most mundane details.
Bus signage on Broadway. There's significant rerouting of buses and many streets will be closed.
This sign is on West 63rd St., outside of the Y where I exercise. I was there this afternoon and it wasn't 100% sure that it would be open tomorrow. People with tickets to stand in Central Park will access the Park on this street and others nearby.

The Y's instructions for tomorrow.
This sign concerns the most mundane, a change in the schedule of the Sanitation Department.
I am delighted to welcome Pope Francis to America and to my city. There will always be some who will say planning all of these details cost too much and there are more worthwhile things on which the city can spend its resources. But I stand in awe at this moment. The internet has been broken by one of the least glamorous persons imaginable. He is a seventy-eight year old man who is thoughtful, prayer-filled and well-educated. He brings a message of hope and the Golden Rule. May his visit be safe and fruitful.
Welcome to New York, Pope Francis. 
Such good words for all of us from Pope Francis! Truly as you say - thoughtful, prayer-filled, and well-educated.
I have totally enjoyed watching his visit, listening to him talk and thankful for his message. Wish I could see him in person! Have a blessed evening dear friend. Hugs
I am not religious, but this is a very special man and human being. He is coming to Philly tomorrow for two days. I hope the arrangements will go as well as they did in Washington and NYC? This is a very rigorous trip for a man of 78 so I worry that he has time to wind down when he goes behind closed doors.
We are thankful for all the planners that made this visit a success. He is a true representative of hope and love.
In the areas that the Pope passes through have a strong police presence, lots of barricades, and NO traffic. Delightful. He should come more often.
I had wondered how the people knew to get around etc. Thanks Buttercup for telling us. Have a beautiful Sunday my friend. Blessings
Thank you so much for the thoughtful package! Baby has been unwell and when I came home today I found the sweet gifts from you. It really cheered my heart. Thank you so much.
Big hug!
Carol, I can't help but think, "poor Pope" He'll probably sleep for days once he's back home. He seemed very poplar with all the crowds. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
I loved Pope Benedict. He was such a kind heart. My daughter Noelle's friend Laura was on board to take this current pope home after his US visit. She was quite excited. Oh the stories she can tell after 30 years with American Airlines....
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