Two days of being 65 have flown by, mixed with both celebration and the mundane details of life. I've gone out to eat twice, opened cards, talked on the phone and was delighted by remembrances from friends of long, long standing and shorter duration. I've been feted, fussed over and had a wonderful time. All the good wishes and celebrating were very much appreciated.
In the past I've written about my birthday -- especially at the milestone of turning sixty. But this time I felt much less philosophical, which somewhat surprised me. I have a philosophical turn of mind and I generally reflect on milestones large and very small. Not this one. Besides the festivities here are a few other moments of my day of becoming sixty-five.
In the past I've written about my birthday -- especially at the milestone of turning sixty. But this time I felt much less philosophical, which somewhat surprised me. I have a philosophical turn of mind and I generally reflect on milestones large and very small. Not this one. Besides the festivities here are a few other moments of my day of becoming sixty-five.
The New York Times waited at my door, as it does almost every day. I was hoping for a birthday headline, but that's not the paper's style. Happily, there was no across-the-page headline trumpeting disaster and war. That may be the best gift I received yesterday.
On the totally mundane, I dropped off dry cleaning -- not a picture opportunity -- and took the subway to Weight Watchers. There was no special birthday gift, other than losing a pound. On reflection, that's a happy gift, too.
I walked south on Broadway and came upon this doggy quartet, and then I came to one of my favorite summer moments, the Wednesday Lunchtime outdoor concert.
There wasn't a rendition of "Happy Birthday," but the music was terrific. I've stopped by every Wednesday after Weight Watchers and enjoyed the music.

I ultimately made my way to this restaurant, for one of the best birthday lunches ever. I remembered to take pictures as the food was served and I will be doing a separate post -- time for a New York summer food post -- early next week.
One more celebration dinner and then for this birthday Cinderella, the coach becomes a pumpkin once again. But not for long. I've got to get my thank you notes done quickly -- grateful to have thank you notes to write -- because BlogHer is in town next week and normal mundane life will be suspended once again.
Thank you all for your sweet and thoughtful birthday notes. As I look forward to the second half of my sixties I am so grateful for my Buttercupland friends. Some of you I've had the good fortune to meet and others I know only from your words and pictures. But I know, too, the good hearts and kind thoughts and that also go with your blogs, and am so glad that you have chosen to visit Buttercupland.
As always, thanks for visiting and have a sweet day! 
Here I was just about to close shop and turn out the lights ... then I spotted these sweet snapshots.
Having enjoyed a little head-start (being 65), I'd really expected to come out the other side with greater understanding. But as you've shown us, it's the little things that make such a difference!
Thanks for making a difference in my own life!
So glad your birthday was a good one Carol; and I was happy to follow along on your day!
I think you had a lovely celebration of 65! Of course, being out in NYC is always a celebration in my opinion.
Happy Belated Birthday, Buttercup. Wishes for many more. Blessings
It sounds like you have had a very blessed birthday for sure ! Here's wishing you a wonderful year !
It looks like a wonderful day:) Have another good one today, HUGS!
It is always lovely to read how you see the beauty and the true gifts in your life. You are a very special lady, Carol.
Happy Belated Birthday Carol. It sounds like you had a wonderful day!
You are just half a year ahead of me. My 65 is in January. Next week, I have an appt to meet with a financial advisor about a Medicare supplement. He did a presentation about this at our church a couple of years ago. We were quite impressed with him then. Doesn't seem like it was that long ago it was my mother's turn for this and now it's me????!!!! How can it be?
However I am thankful we are here to celebrate yet another year and am so thankful you have had good memories made for you this week!
Happy, happy.
Enjoy your weekend!
M : )
I'm happy to hear you had such a delightful birthday. I wish you many returns!
I'm happy to hear you had such a delightful birthday. I wish you many returns!
Buttercup, Happy birthday to you. You share a special day with my g.son. Glad you got to hear sweet music for your day. That is just wonderful to come upon a concert for lunch. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
Hi Carol, Happy Belated Birthday! It sounds like you have had a nice birthday. Enjoy your evening and week! Good luck with your conference too.
I was sure you were going to say that sweet doggy quartet broke into Happy Birthday. I am glad you had a wonderful celebration. I've learned the older I get, birthdays are just another day. However 65 is a milestone to remember.
A perfectly wonderful birthday. Sounds like you enjoyed it immensely. I will be 62 this year and often wonder, where the heck did all the years go so quickly? Reminder to self: must pick up french Silk Birthday pie for Hubby tomorrow, he is such a teenager (61)! LOL! Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Anne
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