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It's Three O'Clock in the Afternoon in Tokyo...

...and my body wants to be there.
I've been awake for the last half hour and for the first ten minutes I assumed I'd quickly drift back to sleep. But after realizing I was wide awake and could actually do the post I'd planned to do at nine o'clock, a realization came to me. It was the dreaded jet lag. My body is perfectly synched with the time in Tokyo and Seoul. It knows it should be out and about and not sleeping. In a fantasy, I thought I would make the transition back to New York without jet lag, but here I am at almost four o'clock a.m. wide awake.
I left Seoul at 4:55 Wednesday afternoon and arrived in New York at 9:30 Wednesday night, after two airports, two flights, two and a half movies, three television episodes, three meals and sixteen hours in the air. Happily, it was uneventful and we even missed major thunderstorms in New York by half an hour, permitting the flight to land on time.  I have a half unpacked suitcase and dirty laundry that needs to be dealt with, but I got to the grocery -- mandatory! -- the gym and to the bank. Later this morning I will get to Weight Watchers. I don't usually go to the 9:00 a.m. session, but since I may still be wide awake, I will start my day earlier. That will put me at Trader Joe's before the weekend food buying hysteria begins and I will get fruit and vegetables, for a return to sane and sensible eating.
I was feeling a little sad at coming to the end of my trip. Despite my travel anxieties, I almost always find traveling exciting and interesting and this trip was no exception. Fabulous sights, interesting travel companions, and a wonderful time with my friend K, who I shared Japan with.  There were the sublime moments, like seeing Mt. Fuji and the less sublime, like discovering the infinite flavors of soft ice cream in Japan and I enjoyed them all. Home in comparison, even New York City, seemed very routine. 
But I was greeted with this...just a block from home, and reminded that there were many discoveries yet to make right around the corner, literally and figuratively. 
  Broadway, Upper West Side
I also made this discovery while grocery shopping...
I think I'll start with the green tea, and then the ginger.
It's 4:02 a.m. in New York City on Friday, April 24 and all is well. I hope all is well in whatever time zone you are in. I plan to be back sometime in the next twenty-four hours with Random Five Friday. There will definitely be one random thought on wasabi KitKats and several on skin care shopping in Korea. 
Thanks for visiting and take good care.   ï»¿


Becky K. said...

Welcome Home! It sounds like a delightful trip and that coming home isn't all that bad since Spring flowers have decided to celebrate your return.
Hoping that jet lag isn't long lasting.

Unknown said...

What a great post, sorry you are struggling to adjust, That picture is fab!, I would love to see NY in the Spring, when we came out from the uk both times it was Late FEb/Early March and it was cold and snowing!
Have a nice weekend!let us know what the ice cream is likexx

The Cranky said...

Hope you get adjusted quickly; I've enjoyed following along on your travels!

From the Kitchen said...

Wasabi KitKats? I hope you get some good sleep soon. A great trip is worth a little insomnia.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sounds like you will be sleeping very soundly tonight. Hope you have a fantastic Friday !

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I remember jet lag from returning from Scotland. By 8pm I was falling asleep, ready for bed!

It does pass, as you know. In the meantime, enjoy being early at Trader Joe's and your other errands!


Sola Scriptura said...

I'm glad you're home safe and sound. Hopefully you will return to New York time quickly :)

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Once you wake up, that's it. Too bad Trader Joe's doesn't open earlier.

Tracy said...

Jet lag is so hard to get over. Hope it goes fast for you.

Susie said...

Welcome home my traveling friend. I just can't imagine all the wonderful things you took in on your trip. Traveling far and being home safe...I am happy to read this. Get your running done, then just relax a few days. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
p.s. I love the Broadway shot.


sorry to hear you have jet lag. it does play havoc with your system. hope it does not last long. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip. what wonderful places you have seen. my husband would be all over that ginger ice cream you found close to home. me, the chai.

Mevely317 said...

First, I'm soooo glad to learn your return flight was uneventful! I so enjoyed following your travels via cyber space. That photo of you with Mt. Fuji in the background was wonderful!

Like a hungry kid, I'm anxious to read more. (Now, would you please pass the ginger ice cream?)

Ida said...

Welcome home. It was fun reading about your time in Japan. I'm not sure I'd try some of those Ice Cream flavors though.