Somewhere in the universe my deepest need and the word that will most help me achieve it, come together. Instead of my usual thought, research and deliberation a word floats into my mind. I don't have any process for choosing my word for the new year. Actually, as I thought about it I realized I don't choose the word, the word chooses me.
Last year my word was give and the year before as I faced retirement, my word was (Embrace) Change. In 2012 my word was (en)joy. The word that chose me for 2015 is Climb. I don't know the mountains that I will face this year, but I do know there will be challenges and mountains ahead to climb. I can face the future with dread or with the hope and prayer that I will have the strength to climb and overcome them. I've learned I do best when I am challenged -- whether the challenge is external or of my own making.
In the next few weeks I'm going to be writing about the challenges I am offering myself. I don't see them as New Year's resolutions, begun today and abandoned in a few weeks, but rather projects that engage me for the entire year. There are four goals that continue efforts begun in 2014, but I hope to climb new heights with all of them.
Last year my word was give and the year before as I faced retirement, my word was (Embrace) Change. In 2012 my word was (en)joy. The word that chose me for 2015 is Climb. I don't know the mountains that I will face this year, but I do know there will be challenges and mountains ahead to climb. I can face the future with dread or with the hope and prayer that I will have the strength to climb and overcome them. I've learned I do best when I am challenged -- whether the challenge is external or of my own making.
In the next few weeks I'm going to be writing about the challenges I am offering myself. I don't see them as New Year's resolutions, begun today and abandoned in a few weeks, but rather projects that engage me for the entire year. There are four goals that continue efforts begun in 2014, but I hope to climb new heights with all of them.
What is your perfect word for 2015?
Looking south to the Freedom Tower, Lower Manhattan
This first day of 2015 has been a delight. I began it by cleaning out my refrigerator. It's not a favorite task, but it gave me a great sense of accomplishment. I spent the afternoon visiting with friends and had a wonderful time. Great food -- including black eyed peas -- and even better conversation. It was the best of socializing. I caught up with friends of long-standing and also met women I look forward to getting to know better. Here's to many more days of friendship and accomplishment in 2015.
As always, thanks for visiting and take good care. Happy new year wishes!

A very interesting word, Climb. An action word! Love what you said about you are at your best when facing a challenge. A wonderful attitude. I had a boss whom I loved and he saw himself as a problem solver. He was highly successful too.
Hi Carol, wishing you all the best and for a Happy New Year! The word you picked for this year is a great one!
Hugs, Julie
Climb. Love that word. It evokes a sense of adventure and of strength. Also, I just saw the movie Wild, so climb creates a visual picture of the PCT for me. Happy New Year!
I love your word! It is a challenging word and we all need challenges, internal and external. I wish you the best in 2015!
I like your idea. I'll have to ponder it a bit. Wonderful photo!! Good wishes for 2015.
I like your word. It is unique to you. I hope you will reach your goals with it. My word was chosen before I realized it was everyone's buzzword at the holidays, BELIEVE.
That word fits you, Buttercup. My word is Wait. Blessings
Happy New Year. May 2015 bring you (and me) lots of joy, happiness and GOOD HEALTH.
Love your word for 2015... Mine is WALK!!!! (After I can walk again, my word will be HIKE.) ha
That is a great word - CLIMB, and I hope that any mountain will be easy for you to climb this year. Be it physical, mental or emotional. Happy 2015. My word will have to be ACCEPT. I need to accept the fact that I am not a spring chicken and cant do some of the things I used to do.
Climb is a great word!
I've never done the resolution thing, but I like the thought of choosing a word. Hmmmm. Mine might be Risk (I'm a bit of a coward :))
Great word choice! Mine is diligence. I need to practice diligence in many areas of my life. Anywho, love the photo. It must be such a treat to live in NYC! Have a blessed Friday!
Thanks for dropping by my blog to leave a comment.
I hope you find challenges to climb that are successful in 2015.
The word I chose for this year is Grace.
I wish you strength, confidence and may you always find encouragement as you climb through challenges and achievements this year.
It is odd how the words do seem to choose us. I like yours very much and climb will motivate you as you try new things. Mine is love. Seemed the perfect word for me. In this crazy world I think we all could use and give more.
Sounds like 2015 is off to a good start for you, Buttercup! Relationships - forming more of those - that's where I seem to be for 2015. They will bring joy to me! So glad you enjoyed those black-eyed peas!:-) I'm hoping to turn some of these into Hoppin' John, perhaps today!
Climb is an excellent word!! I, too, thrive most within a challenge. I can tell this is going to be a wonderful year for you, Carol. blessings ~ tanna
Look!!! It's the New Year - and, i find YOU in my family!!! Hurray!!!
a blessing . . .
love & love,
Buttercup, So lad your 1st day was fun. Hoping all the rest are wonderful too. I think my word will be study..I need to know more and more about everything. When I hear something I do not know ..I look on line to find the answer. It helps me. I do not know it I will retain it but at least I looked it up. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
Hi dear Carol! I love the word you have chosen for the New Year - it's unique and inspiring.
Happy New Year to you, sweet friend. Hugs and blessings!
Happy New Year, Carol! You have an interesting word for your year's inspiration. I will watch your blog to see what you are doing with 'climb'. I don't have a word at this point. Right now I just need to stay the course, so if I picked one it would be something like 'steady' or 'persist'.
Great choice, Carol!
Don't we all face mountains (or at least a few molehills) in our lives?
I've a hunch you're going to inspire more than a few of us!
Sounds like a great word!
We all have those mountains to
climb, we'll see where you are climbing this year.
My word will be a phrase this year,
post tomorrow.
M : )
I love your word for the year Carol! I, like you, enjoy a good challenge. Some of my best work is done under pressure. xxoo
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