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Greetings from Lower Manhattan Monkey Monday

I'm always on the lookout for monkey pictures, but they are even harder to find than pretty-in-pink pictures. I was happy to come upon this collection during my walks in Lower Manhattan during jury duty. I tried to cover as much territory as possible and I especially enjoyed my walks through Tribeca, the area below Canal Street. I worked there thirty years ago when it was composed of decaying office buildings, warehouses and yes, the wholesale egg district. Now it is the most expensive and fashionable neighborhood in Manhattan and signs of residential life abound. 

I found this fun toy store with lots of goodies, but there was one stuffed animal in particular, on the bottom left, who grabbed my heart. 
Scooter is the star of today's Monkey Monday.
I'm a fan of black and white pictures and I'm happy to share this version of Scooter, too. He looks spiffy and so much fun in both versions.
I was pleased to see that my favorite diner of 1985 was still in existence and the exterior is unchanged. It is now surrounded by very expensive condos.  ï»¿
I'm glad to have happy pictures to post on a rainy Monday in January. I can't promise to have monkey pictures every Monday, but I'm on the lookout. 
I had a quiet at-home day today. I probably watched way too much television, but I didn't snack and put my focus on drinking water. I've slacked off in water drinking and I was determined once jury duty was over I would make a concerted effort to drink more water. Tomorrow I am determined to get to the gym. That's another place where I find myself slacking off. Not tomorrow!
As ever, thanks for visiting. Take care and keep warm and cozy. 


Nellie said...

We have had rain, rain, and more rain here, though it appears to have moved on at this point. Great that you were able to find Scooter! Keep warm and dry!

Catherine said...

Dear Carole, It certainly is cold here!! Keep warm tomorrow if you are going out the temps will be very cold!! Take care and stay cozy. xo Catherine

Becky K. said...

Happy Monkey post. How fun to see that this part of your city is a happening place. And fun to see that some things just don't change. :-)

Unknown said...

I am so enjoying your walks and the pictures you post along the way. Love the monkey!!!


How nice to see the old diner still there. Scooter is a doll, so cute.

Linda said...

I loveeeeee the monkey! BTW, all monkies here are named George! (lol)---thank you Buttercup for being an inspiration..have you thought about joining in on the Enchanting Rose party?Blesings

bj said...

I love your photos..love going back in time and finding some things that were there in the past...love their blue front...and love your lighthearted way of posting. :)
stay warm...

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Instead of rain, we had about 5 inches of new snow to shovel. I had my exercise shoveling it and was wasted for the rest of the day. It was heavy and wet snow. Hope your weather holds and you can get out and about safely.

Sola Scriptura said...

Oh that monkey looks so cuddly!! Well done on the water drinking. That is certainly something I need to improve on.
I have a bit of an announcement that I will post on my blog tomorrow, so be sure to stop by. (it will post after midnight my time, 7:30pm tonight your time) Can you tell I'm excited to have an announcement post?

BostonBoy said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm not that far away but I have only been to the big apple twice. Then there is that Boston/New York thing...you know Yankees/Red Sox.
Again thanks.

Melinda said...

Scooter is a cutie for sure!

M : )