If the weather forecasts are right New York City and the Northeast are looking forward to at least a foot of snow. The word "blizzard" is being tossed around, but I'm hoping that we won't see that much snow. I'm not a fan of snow and wind and cold weather, so I'm going to a party instead of worrying about the snow. Won't you join me for the Grow Your Blog Party, hosted by Vicki at 2 Bags Full. The party is a wonderful opportunity to meet new bloggers and make friends throughout BlogLand.
If you're a long-time blog buddy, some of this is old hat, but for anyone stopping by for the first time, let me introduce myself. I started blogging six years ago, never thinking I would enjoy my time in BlogLand as much as I have. I'm a recent -- eighteen months ago -- retiree from a government agency and love living in New York City. I also love enjoying all that the city has to offer, and sharing my adventures in Buttercupland.
If you're a long-time blog buddy, some of this is old hat, but for anyone stopping by for the first time, let me introduce myself. I started blogging six years ago, never thinking I would enjoy my time in BlogLand as much as I have. I'm a recent -- eighteen months ago -- retiree from a government agency and love living in New York City. I also love enjoying all that the city has to offer, and sharing my adventures in Buttercupland.
I like exploring museums, including the American Museum of Natural History, pictured above.
I like reading about, writing about and trying the wide and delicious array of foods in New York City.

I enjoy seeing movies, including "Selma," one of my favorites of 2014.
I'm a reader, a traveler -- always like to have a trip to look forward to -- and a coffee drinker.

I'm especially happy exploring New York, spending time with friends and family and taking lots and lots of photographs. One of my favorite pastimes is meeting new blog friends. I am so grateful for the wonderful people who have come into my life.
It wouldn't be a party without a giveaway and one visitor will be receiving a book, title to be announced. Just leave a comment and let me know what you're reading now or what's your favorite kind of book to read. Do you like historical novels, mysteries, romances or maybe, biography? I'm a fan of mysteries and have found some of my favorites set in the Middle Ages and Tudor periods. I'll announce a winner on Monday, February 2 for a Groundhog Day surprise.
As always, thanks for stopping by to visit. Take care and keep cozy!

Welcome to the Grow Your Blog Party! I am one of Vicki's volunteers and wanted to stop by and share how excited she is that you joined the party. I've enjoyed my visit here and so happy you love living in New York, I love to visit the city, not sure I'd live there! Thank you for joining in and hope you find lots of new blogs and new friends. Be sure to put a deadline on your giveaway! Thanks. Gloria
I'm too visiting from the GYB party. I love your blog and your photos of NYC and look forward to many more years of visiting your blog. I'm reading right now night of rain and stars by Maeve Binchy. I hope you visit my blog to enter my giveaway too.
Julie at Julie's Lifestyle
What a great networking opportunity! (At least I think that's the right word?)
Hopefully, I'll be able to participate sometime post-retirement.
Our newscasts are all over (your) impending storm. Keep safe and cozy!
Love that photo of the American Museum of Natural History. beautiful. A party in a snowstorm sounds like fun.
Hi Carol, happy to see your blog from the Grow Your Blog party today! I love reading about NYC and especially the food so I am sure I will return often! Love the Natural History Museum -- I can't believe it is over 30 years since I was in New York!
Carol, hope you don't get as much snow as they are predicting. Glad to see you are enjoying "All the Light We cannot See". I read it last summer and enjoyed it immensely, even though my preferences are 'who dunnits'.
Sorry I missed the party. My inbox gets so full so quickly, I miss some emails.
Carol, how great that you stopped by Normandy Life yesterday as you partied with Miss Vicki at the GYB hop. We share many interests, food, travel and books so we are bound to get along!
My latest reads have included The Miniaturist - Jessie Burton and I Am Pilgrim - Terry Hayes both very good and in different ways.
I've visited NYC 3 times and will return again to visit friends who live across from Central Park one day.
Until then I'll sit back in my armchair and visit with you!
The picture of the History Museum is an interesting bldg. Hope the snow storm stays away and that you have a good Monday. I dont knit so cant relate but your things are beautiful.
What a fun party you had! I came over to say I am praying about your weather today. Lots of crazy stuff happening. Bomb threats in areas where the Seahawks are coming and going. So awful! Jeremy flies out to Indy this morning. He returns Thursday and they have cold temps but no new snow yet. I hope you are safe and enjoying some hot soup and good books if the snow keeps you indoors. My hubby took off today and we will drive Jeremy to the airport. I must admit, I hate driving there so the hubby gets that honor! Hugs to you and many prayers. Let me know you are remaining safe
Hugs, Anne
Following you back from GYB. I love a good mystery. Have you read any of the Falvia DeLuce books? They are quite entertaining.
I always enjoy visiting your blog. I love to read mysteries and historical novels. *hugs*
Carol, I love seeing New York through your eyes and all the beautiful and fascinating photos you post! It's such fun to see a different part of the USA.
You know I am an avid reader of Christian fiction in just about any genre; historical, contemporary, suspense. I do like some non-fiction but it tends to be theology oriented, or chicken related. ;)
I do hope you have fun growing your blog!
Buttercup, I hope and pray the east doesn't get all that snow and blowing. Scary. Take care of yourself. I would love to go into that old building. I love to see history close up. Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie
I have only just discovered you through Sunlit Sunday. Live in the UK and have been to NY once and was bowled over by everything to see and do. Such a vibrant eclectic city. A great place to live I imagine. I am a mixed reader. Will try anything once but enjoy especially reading stories set in different countries and eras. I am just embarking in a book called Prisoner if the night fog. Set in WWII Already quite gripping. Am going to jump over and look at the blog party you mention as have never been involved in that and it sounds fun.
Hi, Carol!
Thanks for stopping by!
I am your newest follower through G+
I love to read Christian mysteries or Christian historical novels.
Looks like your getting lots of visitors, so enjoy the party!
Thank you for stopping by my blog, It's nice to meet someone who's journey is similar to my own. You have a fantastic blog and I cannot wait to follow you and get to know you better in blog land. I am currently not reading anything at the moment. I love motivational books though, that has become my newest addiction. :)
You throw a great party. Thank you for inviting me!
So that you know, I've become a Follower and when time permits, I'll be back to see what other beautiful things were made by your hands!
What this party is all about is to GROW your blog and I'm hoping to do the same. When you get to Section One, check out A Country Chic Retreat and SuZeQ Creations, my personal blog, in Section Fifteen I'd love for you to follow and subscribe to.
Happy crafting!
What a great giveaway! I love reading everything. I enjoy it when you give me some good books to read.
Right now I am reading Purr Therapy by Dr. Kathy McCoy and Gone with the Wind. I will be having a giveaway soon to give away copies of Purr Therapy because Dr. McCoy is a blogger friend of mine and I love her latest book.
Stay Warm
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm looking forward to lurking around your blog. I think you're my kind of blogger - a book giveaway, who could ask for anything more? The type I like to read is.... well I could be here for hours. Currently reading a lot of paranormal fiction, do love herbals though (being a herbalist and all).
I always enjoy your blog my friend. And I don't know if I can still sneak this comment in...but I'm reading a Maisie Dobbs mystery right now. I love historical novels and mysteries best! Sweet hugs, Diane
Hello Carol, making my party round at the moment and happy to have stopped by your blog. The museum looks like a wonderful place to wander around. Beautiful photo of it too! I love to go to museums and watch art. And oh yummy that food display... Thank you for your generous offer of the giveaway. And thank you also for your sweet visit to my blog the other day. I'm not much of a reader, don't have the patience to sit down and read, but I'm a romantic at heart and love reading a romantic novel now and then. Wishing you a beautiful Sunday ~ Wendy of Apple and Apricot blogsvanwendy@live.nl
I like to read craft, birding or gardening books! Great blog! It's my first time here... nice to "meet" you and so many other amazing crafters. God bless!
ILuvTheEucharist @ aol.com
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