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A Day in My Life on Broadway

No, I haven't been cast for a Broadway show -- that would take a very big miracle -- but I have a few pictures to share from my walk up Broadway after the gym. It was a warm, almost balmy, day here with temperatures in the fifties. I decided this would be the day I treated myself to a cup of ice cream. I would walk up Broadway getting a little extra exercise, leisurely enjoy my ice cream with peppermint candies mixed in, and stroll home.

I passed this sidewalk café. Though it was warm for December, it wasn't café weather.

Ten blocks later I was around the corner from the ice cream store. I turned the corner and there was no ice cream store. I was so sad I didn't even capture the moment on film. Instead of ice cream, there was a big "For Rent" sign.

What is a disappointed ice cream eater to do? Take pictures!

This tree has many New York City ornaments.
I can't resist a florist display and this one was so pretty. It went  a long way to cheering me up.
What cheered you today?
As always, thanks for visiting and wishes for cheer and good tidings! ï»¿



The floral display was lovely. How disappointing about the ice cream.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sorry you missed out on the ice cream but you did get some lovely pictures. 10 blocks is a lot of walking. My joy on Wednesday was finally getting my packages out in the mail. Hope you have a great day ! Colder here.

Kerin said...

Oh BOO! That's too bad about the ice cream shop.
I do love the last picture!
That florist shop is just so pretty. I would have spent a pretty penny there, I'm sure.

Warm wishes~

Sola Scriptura said...

What a disappointment. I'm not sure anything but ice cream would cheer me in that situation!

Linda said...

Thank you for the smiles..what made me smiled? Honestly, it was all my blogger friends who made me smile after I posted my grades...

Nellie said...

Beautiful scenes of New York City! Have a great Thursday!

Susie said...

Buttercup, I love the pictures. The flowers are beautiful. Maybe you will find another nice ice cream parlor. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Elaine Sipos said...

So funny about the ice cream! For about 3-4 days I've been craving peppermint ice cream. I went past the the ice cream shop nearby and they were closed! Still craving it though.

Anonymous said...

These flowers lift my spirits! I will be dreaming of Spring once the holidays are over!